San Angelo saw fit to work it out for a good cause on Saturday, as two 5k runs took place along the Concho River. Among the two was the first ever Anti-bully Walk/Run hosted by the San Angelo Police Department, which took place Saturday morning at 9:00 a.m. launching from Kid’s Kingdom Park.
The event, which featured 1.5k walk in addition to the 5k run, was the first of its kind held by the SAPD, and proceeds from registration went to benefit the department’s Drug Resistance and Mentoring (DREAM) program.
DREAM Instructor and Police Officer Erica Morris organized the fundraiser to raise awareness on an issue she says is often underplayed.
“There have been six kids who took their own lives since the beginning of the year in Midland,” Morris said in an earlier interview. The deaths were all bullying related.
The seriousness of the issue was highlighted in a sign with an ominous title next to a table with walk/run T-shirts. “Victims of Suicide Due to Bullying” the sign read, with a list of nearly 60 names ranging in age from as young as eight up to 19.
Morris says the list depicts acts take place nationwide, but excludes the six from Midland and likely of others whose reasons for committing suicide may not have been known.
And while San Angelo is not exempt from bullying or suicide, numbers for linked cases are not available, thus driving the efforts of raising awareness.
Becky Salandy of the Housing Authority (HA) of the Concho Valley said her team showed up in numbers to support the campaign. “We see it [bullying] a lot with the Housing Authority,” Salandy said, “and we all have kids,” thus bringing a personal aspect into the advocacy.
The Housing Authority provides assistance to low income families within the city, and each of the 13 runners and walkers on Saturday showed up on their own accord. “We care about the people, and we just want to put it out there and let them know we exist,” said Amanda Geffers, a Housing Authority employee who took part in the walk.
One of the members of the HA team even took home a prize. Carlos Cruz, who modestly stated he hadn’t at all anticipated a win after not having run for over a year, took the gold in Saturday’s event with 5k time of 24:22. Just behind him followed SAPD Officer Barry Wike (24:59) and SAPD recruit Mathew Faz (26:00).
Numbers weren’t yet available at time of publication, however Morris says the walk saw a good amount of participants, with several signing up at the onsite registration earlier that morning.
Surprisingly, it wasn’t all children and families. Several companies supported the run with sponsorship and had employees who took part in the action.
Sponsors for the event included country stations KKCN and KGKL, as well as the Jewelry Doctor, River Crest Hospital, Mental Health and Mental Retardation (MHMR) of the Concho Valley, and Concho Valley CARES (Community, Action, Resources, Empowerment and Success).
The Alcohol and Drug Abuse Council of the Concho Valley (ADACCV) was also on site, promoting Red Ribbon Week (Oct. 28-Nov. 1) and educating interested participants on drug prevention and awareness.
Concho Valley CARES set up a table beside the ADACCV and took old prescription and over-the-counter pills from people who wished to dispose of them. Old medications may also be disposed of at the San Angelo Police Department, 401 E Beauregard.
As the tired crowds began to dissipate and the park cleared, a feeling of success shine on the pavilion. “It went really well,” said Officer Morris. “We’re going to try and make it an annual event.”
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