Autumnal Equinox Will Bring Cooler Temps and Rain to San Angelo Region


SAN ANGELO, TX - As the Autumnal Equinox marks the official start of fall on Sunday, September 22, cooler temperatures and increased rain chances are expected across the San Angelo region, according to the National Weather Service in Abilene/San Angelo.

The equinox will bring a shift in weather patterns, with a cold front arriving on Sunday night.

National Weather Service

National Weather Service

Temperatures, which will reach the mid-90s on Saturday, are forecast to drop into the upper 70s and low 80s by Monday. Rain chances will increase, with a 70% probability of showers and thunderstorms in the San Angelo and Abilene areas on Sunday and Monday.

National Weather Service

National Weather Service

National Weather Service

National Weather Service

This weather pattern change will continue into the middle of next week, with cooler temperatures and additional rain expected. While the NWS notes some uncertainty about how much cooler it will get, the forecast shows a welcome break from the recent heat.

As the fall season begins, residents can expect days and nights to become more equal in length, with decreasing daylight hours. 

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