NWS Releases Summer Review: 4th Hottest Summer on Record in San Angelo


SAN ANGELO, TX - The National Weather Service has confirmed that the summer of 2024 was the 4th hottest on record for San Angelo. Abilene also experienced its 6th hottest summer as the region endured extreme heat and low rainfall.

San Angelo reached a scorching 112°F in August, the highest temperature recorded that month in the city’s history. Abilene set its all-time record on August 21, with a high of 113°F.

San Angelo’s average temperature this summer was 86.5°F, while Abilene’s average was 86.3°F.

In addition to breaking temperature records, San Angelo saw 61 days at or above 100°F, ranking 4th for the most 100-degree days, and had 17 days with temperatures over 105°F. Abilene recorded 40 days at or above 100°F and 14 days exceeding 105°F.

Precipitation levels were also low, with San Angelo receiving 2.74 inches of rain, its 14th driest summer, while Abilene had 2.39 inches, making it the 9th driest.

National Weather Service

National Weather Service

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