Weekend Forecast: Cooler Temps Expected


SAN ANGELO, TX - A weak cold front is set to move through West Central Texas on Saturday, bringing cooler and drier air to the San Angelo area, according to the National Weather Service. 

High temperatures will reach around 85°F on both Saturday and Sunday, with overnight lows dropping to the upper 50s to low 60s.

National Weather Service

National Weather Service

Friday brings a slight chance of isolated showers, with a 20 percent chance of rain in the afternoon. Otherwise, expect sunny conditions and highs near 88°F, with gusty winds up to 25 mph from the north-northeast.

By Sunday, calm and sunny weather will dominate, with highs staying in the mid-80s and cooler overnight lows continuing into next week. This cooler stretch is predicted to last through Tuesday, offering some of the most comfortable temperatures seen in months.

National Weather Service

National Weather Service

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