Live Thought

  • The Fool’s Errand

    11/16/2022 - 16:00 , by live
    OPINION — How the rehashed topic of a ballot initiative to change the way San Angelo selects its police chief is not known, but the movement to have the city manager and council select a chief instead of the current police chief election is certain to fail. Proponents of changing the process do not understand the political environment of 2022.
  • Elon Musk is Making Twitter Fun Again!

    11/02/2022 - 21:35 , by live
    Ever since Elon musk closed on his $44 billion deal to purchase Twitter, he has been active first as the “Chief Twit” and now as the “Twitter Complaint Hotline Operator” fielding questions from regular folks and famous authors like Stephen King alike.
  • The Arts

    OPINION — As I’m sure you’ve already heard, the art world was recently stood on its collective ear by a pickle. This was not just any pickle, but a pickle from a McDonald’s hamburger. And although you’d have a hard time finding anything in the universe less rare than a McD’s pickle, this one was special. But before we get to the pickle, you’ll need some background.
  • How to Coerce Our County Attorney to Prosecute Anyone

    08/14/2022 - 22:45 , by live
    SAN ANGELO, TX — (OPINION) Two cases headed for trial are concerning and both are for misdemeanor offenses. It is instructive to understand how these cases were introduced, as we know so far, so voters can know how decisions seem to be made in Chris Taylor’s Tom Green County Attorney’s office. The County Attorney handles the lower-level offenses where most are misdemeanors – driving while intoxicated, simple assault, and petty theft. The cases generally are tried in one of two County Court-At-Law courts.
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