OPINION — There are economic facts, not just an opinion of the facts.
I actually like my friend Joe Hyde (the conservative Republican guy who founded this news platform) until he goes “goofy” every now and then and writes an opinion piece totally out of touch with reality, or attacks me personally while doing so (I also enjoy the articles that are good to me). Of course, that is my opinion of Joe’s opinion, and we are all subject to confusing our opinions with facts. But we do need to know the difference.
As Daniel Patrick Moynihan, the late (and I think great) senator, diplomat, and ambassador once said, “Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not to his own facts.”
Joe and I were standing in front of his business one afternoon when I asked him whether he really supported Trump’s tax cut, which I think benefited only the rich and hurt everyone else, as well as the overall economy. Joe said yes he did, and then explained that it was helping the economy and that supply side economics are good. I asked whether he’d publish my dissenting opinion, and he said he would.
A couple of days later, Joe wrote about our conversation in San Angelo Live under his “opinion” piece and wrote an article, in which he scolded those of us criticizing Trump’s economic record:
“If you don’t understand how Trump turned it around, turn off MSNBC and listen. He pulled out of TPP. Renegotiating NAFTA tore up pages of stifling regulations. He lowered corporate and personal taxes. Since then, corporate confidence was boosted, causing companies to hire more, this bringing more into the workforce. A larger workforce means more money being spent in the economy. Obama took over after a major crash, so of course it went up, it had nowhere else to go, and then it stagnated until he left.”
Here Joe has violated “Moynihan’s law”; he has made up his own facts to support his opinion. But facts are facts, friends, and Joe’s explanation simply isn’t factual. On August 10, when Joe wrote that Beto O’Rourke is a socialist (hoping to write an article on how silly that is in the future), there were two headlines on CNBC, the business network:
“Workers see their paychecks sink as inflation grows” and “US budget deficit increases 21%, on track for biggest gap in six years.” (source)
That is the impact of supply-side economics in a nutshell, and it has been every time it’s been tried, beginning with Reagan’s economic policies in the 1980’s. Taxes are cut for the rich; rich people keep more money and use it to pay off shareholders rather than creating jobs or rewarding employees; wages don’t increase for working people; and the deficit explodes. Simply Google the history of the federal debt, and you will see it is mostly Reagan and the two Bush presidents who sent it soaring.
Yes, Obama added to it while pulling us out of the mess he inherited, but – as Forbes Magazine writes –
“President Obama’s debt actually grew at a slower annual rate than any of the Republican presidents (Reagan, Bush, Bush) even though there were events that negatively impacted the deficit that started before he became President.” (source)
Now it’s exploding again because of Trump’s tax cut. Those are the facts.
Joe wrote that the economy stagnated under Obama at the end of his term. Not true! In fact, under Obama more jobs were created in EACH of the last four years of his presidency than were started under Trump in his first year; the same is true of year two of Trump’s presidency to this point. Again, these are the facts provided by Forbes Magazine. Does Joe want us to “turn off” CNBC and Forbes Magazine, too?
And while we are discussing economic facts, I will share one more: from January 1977 to January 2017, we had 20 years of Democratic presidents (Carter, Clinton, and Obama) and 20 years of Republican presidents (Reagan, Bush, and Bush). During 20 years of the three Democratic presidents, over 45 million jobs were created, whereas during 20 years of the three Republican presidents, under 20 million jobs were created. In FACT, during Bill Clinton’s presidency alone, over 20 million jobs were created – more in Clinton’s 8 years than in the three Republicans’ 20 years combined. Look it up!
Besides this, the stock market has been much stronger under Democratic presidents, but I won’t document that, you can easily look it up. Those are facts, not opinion. Joe has felt free to advise the rest of us, so let me return the favor and give him a piece of advice: quit making up your own facts, Joe.
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Thanks, David, for a coherent and cogent summary of FACTS. I'm appalled by the ignorance and rancor perpetuated by politicians and their supporters. #BlueWave
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PermalinkAnd the facts are, the Dems are complicit in the fall of the middle class. Both parties rush through legislation to continue campaigning. Jodey Arrington of Lubbock with California Democrat Ro Khanna introduced a constitutional amendment last year that would limit both House and Senate members to 12 years in Washington. It should be with out retirement. https://www.investopedia.com/articles/markets/080416/how-congress-retirement-pay-compares-overall-average.asp
Taking money out the equation increases the chances for better candidates with the desire for civic duty, not folks looking to be millionaires.
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PermalinkTake the jobs created under Obama and see how many were "new" government civil service jobs paid for with tax payers money versus private companies hiring for new positions. Now do the same with Trumps new jobs. THAT is where the discrepancy is. When you break it down then get back to me about how Obama was better for the economy!
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PermalinkObama also took a trillion dollars worth of bail out money and GAVE it to all of these so called "green" companies and they all went bankrupt. Where were all the shovel ready jobs that were supposed to be created? Do you remember any of them? No, because there weren't any. If this dude thinks he is going to convince me that Obama was better for our economy than Trump, then he's a fool. All of you dummycrats need to go to Venezuela, Cuba, or any of these Socialist countries that you admire so much and live there. NY dummycrat governor said yesterday that America was never that great. Then please leave and go to a great country of your choice, please, please, please. If you are ashamed that this country is a superpower, then go somewhere else that isn't. If you dislike living in a country that everyone else in the world would like to live in, then please leave. Go to a country that the government takes care of you for life and see how you like your life. Ignorance is not an excuse in this day and age.
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PermalinkTell it to the folks being laid off due to the new and exciting "tariff economic strategy". Some people are benefiting, the ones that sit in board rooms and give millions in campaign donations. Presidents should not throw the 300 million people under the bus for the sake of a few hundred millionaires.
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PermalinkThanks for this piece. #voteblue
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PermalinkMr. Currie, thank you for an injection of sanity. I am neither Democrat nor Republican, but rather a realist and well versed in using the BS filter to separate the fly specks from the pepper. Sadly enough, in recent times the output from the current administration has the fly poop outmassing the pepper.
At any rate, it is refreshing to see a countering, well stated argument here.
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PermalinkI'll admit that i stopped reading after you said "Obama saved us from the mess he inherited".
What's the point?
One of us isn't being honest or one of us simply isn't living on the same planet as the other.
The current guy sure inherited a mess though.
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