Odessa High School Finds New Head Football Coach


ODESSA,TX – The Odessa Bronchos have hired a new head football coach.

Dusty Ortiz, formerly the defensive coordinator and linebacker coach at Keller Timber Creek. They went 25-38 at Keller Timber Creek while Ortiz was coaching there.

Ortiz was with Keller Timber Creek from 2015 – 2020 and has coached mainly in the Houston, Dallas, and Austin areas.

“I have wanted to be a head coach for a long time, and I’m just so thankful to have an opportunity here in Odessa. We are looking forward to getting plugged into the community and being part of the Broncho family.” Ortiz said.

The Odessa Bronchos have gone 10 – 37 over the past ten seasons and went winless in District 2-6A the past two seasons. Former head coach Danny Servance was reassigned inside the district on January 22nd of this year.

Dusty Ortiz joins Kevin Crane (San Angelo Central) and Thad Fortune (Midland High) as the third coach hired in District 2-6A this offseason.

Ortiz also played football in college at Angelo State as well as ran track and field for the Rams.

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