The Name Robert E Lee Has Been Removed from School


SAN ANGELO, TX – The removal of the name Robert E. Lee from the San Angelo middle school has begun as San Angelo Independent School District workers have painted over the historic name of the school.

If you have driven down Sherwood Way on Monday then you may have noticed a little change in scenery.The blue cursive letters that read "Robert E. Lee Middle School" has now been painted over.

The school board approved the name change last month after months of discussion. The SAISD School Board has also received a number of name recommendations which will be selected at the next school board meeting. 

It is unknown if they will paint the new name of the school on the building. RLMS will not remain the rebels and will choose a mascot along with the new name.

New name suggestions include Major Troy Lee Gilbert Middle School, Mary Francis Owens, and so many more. For the entire list click here: What Name Will Replace Robert E. Lee for San Angelo's Middle School?

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And while we're at it, the voters should remove the spineless school board members that are cowering to the left wing nut jobs.

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