Detective & Doctor Detail Beating & Severe Injuries in Murder Trial


SAN ANGELO, TX – Two witnesses described the brutal beating and drowning a San Angelo woman endured allegedly at the hands of her spouse in 2022 in San Angelo during the third day of Christopher Jeffery Wise's murder trial.  

Wise, 37, is accused of murdering Christie Feland at a home they shared on November 8 2022 by 'striking her with his hand, kicking and stomping her with his foot, striking her with unknown objects and allowing her to drown in a bathtub.'

District Attorney Allison Palmer is prosecuting the case with Assistant District Attorney Sarah Reyes.  Wise is defended by attorney Gonzalo Rios.

Palmer called San Angelo Police Detective Marcus Rodriguez to the witness stand Wednesday morning. Rodriguez was the detective in charge of the investigation and interviewed Wise at the scene.  Wise called 911 when he said he found Feland submerged in a bathtub and not breathing. Rodriguez led the investigation and interviewed Wise at the scene on West Ave. M. Wise said they had an argument and he went to sleep on the couch in the living room. He said he got cold during the night and went into the bedroom where he found her in the tub.  

Detective Rodriguez testified he didn't see any signs of a struggle. Feland's body was found in a state of rigor mortis on the bed. Wise said he turned off the water, got her out of the tub, performed CPR on her, then moved her to the bed and called 911.  

Wise told Rodriguez that they had a fight over a text he received from a female friend, a "stupid assed text" he said.  Later, Wise told the detective the test read, "I miss you and I want to see you."

Rodriguez called Justice of the Peace Eddie Howard to pronounce Feland deceased.  Howard ordered an autopsy.  

According to Detective Rodriguez, Wise changed his story a few times. Rodriguez said he tried to find her phone and eight investigators looked for the phone in the residence for several hours without finding it.  After they left, Wise called Rodriguez and said he found the phone behind the couch.  

Jurors watched several video clips from body cams of officers at the scene. Palmer also showed several photos investigators took at the scene. One showed Feland's body still on the bed.  

Detective Rodriguez described to jurors the evidence found at the scene as Palmer presented the videos, photos, and other evidence throughout the morning. Rodriguez said detectives questioned Wise's version of events. Wise said the water was running in the tub when he found Feland.  He said the water must have been running a long time. Rodriguez said detectives tested his version and found there was no evidence of significant water damage.  

On November 22, 2022, Rodriguez brought Wise in for questioning again. Rodriguez testified that Wise's story changed and didn't match the evidence including the severe injuries revealed in the autopsy. "Things were different in the interview," Rodriguez told jurors.  Wise was arrested following that interview and charged with murder. 

The trial broke for lunch around 12:30 and resumed at 2 p.m. Wednesday. Defense attorney Rios cross-examined Detective Rodriguez. Rios tried to imply to jurors that Feland's severe injuries could have been caused by falling down twice. Rodriguez was released and jurors took an afternoon break from 3:25 to 3:40 p.m.  

When the trial resumed, Palmer called renowned forensic pathologist Dr. Thomas Parsons to the witness stand. Parsons is the senior Forensic Pathologist at South Plains Forensic Pathology in Lubbock which performs autopsies for Tom Green County and several other west Texas counties. 

Palmer led Dr. Parsons through the numerous injuries detailed in the autopsy using photos, X-rays, and toxicology reports. Some of the autopsy photos were extremely graphic and disturbing to jurors who had to take a break at one point. 

Parsons said Feland suffered a beating so severe that she had a ruptured kidney, several broken ribs, and at least five severe head wounds. He said she probably died of drowning after being placed in the bathtub under running water because she was so severely injured she couldn't move. Jurors saw detailed photos of each of the wounds and autopsy photos were too graphic to describe.  

The autopsy also showed that Feland had low levels of methamphetamine and THC in her system.  Under cross-examination, Rios tried to get Dr. Parsons to admit that the drugs could have caused her to have a seizure and fall into the bathtub.  Parsons said that was extremely unlikely. 

Dr. Parsons said the toxicology report showed her death was not an overdose, there were no alcohol or painkillers in her system, and she wasn't in the water for hours.  And she didn't commit suicide as Rios alluded to being possible.  

Dr. Parsons was released just after 6 p.m. and the trial ended for the day. Jurors were instructed to return to the Tom Green County Courthouse by 8:30 a.m. Thursday morning. 

More about the Santa Rita Hairdresser Murder:

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