San Angelo Man Arrested for Lewd Abuse After Beating Woman


SAN ANGELO, TX — A San Angelo man has been arrested after beating a woman and then sexually assaulting her.

Joshua Dunn, 27, of San Angelo, was arrested for sexual assault on October 3, 2024.

According to court documents, on September 20, 2024, the victim claims she was assaulted by Dunn at a residence on the 11000 block of Spring Creek Lane in Dove Creek. The victim and Dunn co-habitat as they have children together.

The victim said that the physical assault lasted into the morning of the next day, September 21, 2024.

The victim shares a bed with Dunn, but she claims they do not have a sexual relationship and have not had one for many months. The victim said she went to lie down. Dunn followed and laid down in bed next to the victim. Then, the victim said she was facing away from Dunn when she believed he began taking off his clothes.

The victim told Dunn that she was tired, her body hurt from the previous physical assault, and she did not want to have sex. Dunn disregarded this and began to assault the victim sexually. The victim said that Dunn was quick to become angry and she feared being beaten again if she fought back.

Later in the evening on September 21, the victim went to the hospital and reported the sexual assault.

She had visible bruising and injuries. Dunn was arrested that same day for assault and family violence and was an inmate in the Tom Green County Jail until September 27, 2024, when he was released on a $250,000 bond.

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