Twin Texas Doctors Sentenced to Over Six Years for Healthcare Fraud


DALLAS, TX - Two Dallas-based pain management doctors were sentenced to six and a half years each in federal prison for healthcare fraud, U.S. Attorney Leigha Simonton announced Thursday.

Drs. Desi Barroga, 51, and Deno Barroga, 51, were indicted in November 2023 and pleaded guilty in May 2024 to one count each of conspiracy to commit healthcare fraud. They were sentenced Thursday by U.S. District Judge Brantley Starr, who ordered them jointly and severally liable for $9,016,883.10 in restitution. Under the terms of their plea agreement, both men were also required to forfeit their medical licenses.

“These doctors exploited drug users’ vulnerabilities, requiring them to submit to monthly visits in exchange for controlled substance prescriptions, then billing their insurance providers for services the patients did not need nor receive. In a bizarre attempt to cover up their crimes, the defendants feigned giving injections without actually piercing the patients’ skin,” said U.S. Attorney Leigha Simonton. “Not only did the defraud their patients’ insurers, they facilitated their patients’ addictions. Their actions are antithetical to the practice of medicine, and the U.S. Attorney’s Office is proud to hold them accountable for their crimes.”

According to court documents, the twin brothers admitted that they conspired to defraud Blue Cross Blue Shield, Cigna, and United Healthcare by submitting claims for corticosteroid injections that were never administered.

As part of the conspiracy, the Barrogas required patients to submit to monthly office visits. This allowed patients to continue receiving highly addictive Schedule II controlled substances – including hydrocodone, oxycodone, and morphine  – while allowing the defendants to bill patients’ insurance companies for expensive services they never provided.

The Barrogas reported to insurance that they performed as many as 80 corticosteroid injections per patient per visit. In reality, the majority of these injections were never administered. In many instances, the doctor simply placed a needle on the patient’s body without actually piercing the skin to mimic giving an injection.

They defendants created fake medical records, which were often cut and pasted, or cloned, from patient to patient with little to no variation. They also instructed patients to include false statements pertaining to the injections and other treatments in the record.

In plea papers, the brothers admitted that they billed insurers at least $45 million and were paid at least $9 million as part of the scheme.

The U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Inspector General, the U.S Department of Labor’s Employee Benefits Security Administration, U.S Office of Personnel Management’s Office of the Inspector General, the Drug Enforcement Administration’s Dallas Field Division Diversion Group, and the Texas Department of Insurance – Fraud Unit – Austin and Fort Worth Field Offices conducted the investigation. Assistant U.S. Attorney Renee Hunter is prosecuting the case. Assistant U.S. Attorney Dimitri Rocha assisted with forfeiture.

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