Cards Against Humanity Files Lawsuit Against SpaceX for Alleged Property Damage


AUSTIN, TX — Cards Against Humanity has filed a lawsuit against SpaceX, accusing the aerospace company of unauthorized land use and environmental damage.

The card game company claims SpaceX has been trespassing on its property near the Texas-Mexico border for the past six months.

The property, purchased by Cards Against Humanity in 2017 during a crowdfunding campaign, was intended to block the construction of a border wall under the Trump administration.

The company said 150,000 people had each contributed $15 towards the effort. 

The company also alleges that SpaceX has cleared vegetation, stored materials, parked vehicles, and operated equipment on the land without permission.

In the lawsuit, Cards Against Humanity states that SpaceX’s actions have degraded the natural environment and seeks $15 million in damages. The company has also suggested alternative compensation, including ownership of

The property reportedly has a “No Trespassing” sign, and Cards Against Humanity maintains that no border wall was ever constructed there.

The company has indicated that, if successful, up to $100 could be distributed to each of the 150,000 individuals who originally contributed to the purchase of the land.

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