Two Texas Massage Parlors Shut Down for Offering Sexual Services, Housing Workers Onsite


BURLESON, TX – The Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation has issued six-month emergency closure orders for two Burleson massage establishments following investigations into suspected human trafficking.

The closures, effective September 16, target Top A-Massage, located at 344 SW Wilshire Blvd., Suite T, and Best Massage at 333 NW Hillery St.

According to TDLR, a consumer complaint led investigators to find that women were living in Top A-Massage, owned by Cai Wei Evans and were featured on illicit websites offering sexual services.

Investigators also reported indicators of possible human trafficking, including the presence of unlicensed massage therapists and evidence suggesting people were residing in the facility. One room was set up as sleeping quarters for two people, and several items pointed to individuals living there.

Best Massage, owned by Huili Dai, faced similar allegations. A local law enforcement complaint revealed that unlicensed massage therapists were offering sexual services to clients. Investigators found video surveillance systems in each massage room and food stored in the kitchen, indicating long hours of operation. Workers denied living on the premises, but only one could provide a home address, raising further suspicion.

These closures mark the ninth and tenth emergency orders issued by TDLR under House Bill 3579, which took effect September 1, 2023. The law allows TDLR’s executive director to issue emergency shutdowns if human trafficking is suspected.

Anyone suspecting human trafficking is urged to contact the National Hotline for Human Trafficking at 1-888-373-7888 or text HELP to BeFree (233733). For immediate danger, call 911.

You can also file a complaint on a TDLR-regulated business that you suspect may be participating in human trafficking.

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