Paint Rock vs. Gustine Football Game Canceled Due to Threat Concerns


PAINT ROCK, TX — The highly anticipated football game between Paint Rock and Gustine, scheduled for tonight, has been canceled following security concerns stemming from a potential threat towards Paint Rock ISD.

In a press release earlier today, Paint Rock ISD informed the public that they had been alerted to a possible threat originating from a neighboring school district. The district has been working closely with law enforcement agencies in both Concho and Runnels Counties to ensure the safety of its students and staff. While law enforcement has indicated there is no immediate danger to Paint Rock ISD, the district has decided to err on the side of caution by implementing enhanced security measures.

According to the press release from Paint Rock ISD, "We are actively coordinating with law enforcement agencies in both Concho and Runnels County. At this time, the sheriff's department has assured us that they believe there is no reason to think that this investigation will affect Paint Rock ISD. However, as a precautionary measure, our campus will implement heightened security protocols, including increased supervision for today and continue for as long as law enforcement advises."

In response, Gustine ISD also released a statement supporting Paint Rock’s decision to cancel the game. "In an effort to be abundantly safe, they have canceled this evening’s football and volleyball games. We support their decision and appreciate their concern for all students' safety," said Joanne Morton, Principal of Gustine ISD, and Superintendent Kelly West.

The community has expressed gratitude for the district's proactive approach. “Paint Rock ISD is grateful to be part of a community that always looks out for each other, especially our kids. Remember, if you see something, say something!” the district’s statement urged.

No details about the nature of the threat have been released as the investigation remains ongoing.

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