Texas Woman Loses $76,000 in Two Separate Crimes


HOUSTON, TX – An 80-year-old Houston woman has lost a total of $76,000 in two separate incidents, including an aggravated robbery where $19,000 in cash was stolen, according to Houston police.

The woman was robbed at a convenience store in Midtown on July 12. Surveillance footage released Thursday shows two suspects approaching the victim from behind and snatching an envelope filled with $19,000 in cash.

The woman had brought the money to deposit it into a cryptocurrency account at the advice of a scammer named “Jennifer,” who had convinced her to withdraw the funds, claiming her bank account had been hacked.

Police reported that the scammer further manipulated the victim by coaching her on how to respond if bank tellers questioned her withdrawal and by convincing her to install an app that gave the scammer control over her phone and cryptocurrency account. The victim deposited funds into the account over several days, totaling $57,000 before the robbery occurred.

The suspects, who fled the scene in a black-colored vehicle, remain at large as police continue their investigation. Authorities believe the robbery and the scam might not be directly connected but are treating them as separate incidents.

Houston police urge the public to remain cautious of similar scams, highlighting that cryptocurrency-related fraud has increased by 900% over the past three years, according to the Federal Trade Commission.

Victims are advised to check with their bank when something seems suspicious, as secrecy and pressure tactics are often signs of fraud.

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