Don’t Fall Victim to Facebook Scams, Constable Warns


HARRIS COUNTY, TX – Harris County Constable Mark Herman is alerting the public to a growing number of Facebook scams targeting users across the country.

In a post today, Herman explained that scammers are sneaking into comment sections on news media pages with deceptive links, disguised as legitimate content.

“These comments look like they’re coming from real news sources, but they’re likely malicious software aimed at infecting your computer,” Herman stated.

Scammers frequently target posts related to tragic events—such as accidents, natural disasters, or crimes—using attention-grabbing phrases like “This is horrible” or “Police just released video of the incident.” Some even add the words “GRAPHIC CONTENT” just for extra punch, the constable stated. 

Herman warns that these links are designed to look like videos or news reports, fooling users into thinking they are seeing breaking footage. Instead, clicking on these links could result in your device becoming infected.

"This is happening across the country and malicious actors are getting sneakier and sneakier," he stated. "The best advice you can follow is simply to not click on the link."

Side note: Facebook won’t let us post this on Facebook.

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