DPS Identifies Victim of 1984 Cold Case Homicide in Jack County


WIZARD WELLS, TX – The Jack County Sheriff’s Office and Texas Rangers have identified the victim of a 1984 homicide near Wizard Wells, Texas, as Roberta Mumma.

Her skeletal remains were discovered over 35 years ago in a remote area of Jack County, but her identity remained a mystery until now.

Mumma, who was 25 years old at the time of her death, was identified using advanced forensic techniques and DNA analysis. The Jack County Sheriff’s Office and Texas Rangers are actively investigating this cold case, seeking justice for Mumma. Her last known location before her remains were found was in Tennessee.

Authorities urge anyone with information about Mumma or the circumstances surrounding her death to come forward. They stress that even the smallest detail could be crucial in solving the case and bringing closure to her loved ones.

"The Jack County Sheriff’s Office and Texas Rangers are committed to pursuing justice for Roberta Mumma and ensuring those responsible for her death are held accountable," informaiton stated. 

For more information or to provide tips, please contact the Jack County Sheriff’s Office at 940-567-2161 or [email protected].

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