Man Convicted For Diesel Fuel Thefts Across Texas Using Stolen Credit Card Info


AUSTIN, TX – A 38-year-old Cuban national was sentenced to 50 years in prison earlier last week for engaging in organized criminal activity.

Duniesky Gonzalez was part of an organized criminal group accused of stealing diesel fuel via fraudulent credit card information and using pulser tampering devices on motor fuel dispensers.

A pulser is part of the motor fuel metering system that counts fuel flow and determines the amount of fuel flow per penny. The criminal tampering device slows down the pulser, allowing suspects to pump hundreds of gallons of diesel fuel for pennies on the dollar. The criminal investigation found that the group stole more than 10,000 gallons of fuel from gas stations in nine different counties across Texas.

The Texas Financial Crimes Intelligence Center, coordinating with 15 different law enforcement agencies across the state, helped organize the case that led to the conviction.

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