Sweetwater Teen Caught Hauling Candy Bar Psychedelics Down the Interstate


CISCO,  TX – A teenager from Sweetwater hauling drugs down the Interstate was arrested in Eastland County Monday.

According to the Cisco Police Department, on June 19, 2023, Cpl. Derek Gunstanson conducted a traffic stop on a Buick Verano for speeding. The stop was made at the 330-mile marker on IH20. After contacting the driver of the car, probable cause to search was apparent.

The search revealed approximately 32 grams of liquid THC and psychedelic mushrooms, weighing around 28 grams. These drugs were packaged to look similar to candy bars or snack treats.

Additionally, a large bag of marijuana, field-weighed at 1/2 pound, was also located. The driver, 19-year-old Jaxon D. Ashworth of Sweetwater, was arrested on the scene and taken to Eastland County Jail. He faces multiple felony charges and is currently out of jail on bond.

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