SAN ANGELO, TX – 340th District Court Judge Jay Weatherby on Friday afternoon sentenced the man responsible for the Fiddlestrings Axe Attack to more than a decade in prison.
As previously reported, from Mar. 20-24, 2023, the jury trial of Fabien Mejia vs. the state took place. Mejia was charged with an aggravated assault with a deadly weapon on Mar. 11, 2022. At the time, he was accused of hitting Jessie Trevino with an axe in the Fiddlestrings Parking Lot.
The jury found Mejia guilty of the assault on Thursday afternoon. The following morning the sentencing phase began. Prior to the start of the trial, Mejia elected for Judge Weatherby to set the punishment if he was found guilty.
As a result, the Judge sentenced Mejia to 11 years in prison with credit for time served.
For more on the trial, watch the stories below:
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