BREAKING: Vicious Dog Killed Attacking Neighbors in Quiet College Hills Neighborhood


SAN ANGELO – Tragedy in a quiet San Angelo neighborhood happened Tuesday morning as a resident defending himself shot and killed a neighbor's dog who was attacking him.  

San Angelo Police were dispatched to the 3300 block of Oxford Dr. around 11 a.m. Tuesday for a call about an armed person and a dog that had been shot.  

According to Sgt. Callum at the scene, an unidentified breed of dog was loose and attacking people. One person was fighting off the dog with a chair.  Another neighbor reportedly went outside with a shotgun and the dog attacked him. 

The armed individual shot the dog injuring it.  

Sgt. Callum reported the individual then shot and killed the wounded dog. 

The individual did not break any laws for shooting and killing a dog that was attacking him.  

Sgt. Callum said the individual could be charged with misdemeanor discharging a firearm in the city limits but he decided against it. Instead, Callum said the incident will be documented only as "discharging a firearm within the city limits" and no charges will be filed. Police officers have that discretion.

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