EDINBURG, Texas – Rio Grande Valley Sector agents arrested an Mara-Salvatrucha (MS-13) and an 18th Street gang member along with two convicted sex offenders Wednesday.
On April 20, Rio Grande City Station agents encountered a group of five illegal aliens to include a Honduran national. Record checks on the illegal revealed he was convicted of criminal sexual conduct and sentenced to 36 months probation. The subject also served two years incarceration for being unlawfully present in the U.S after a deportation.
Later that evening, McAllen Border Patrol Station (MCS) agents apprehended a group of eight aliens near Mission. Among the group was a male Salvadoran registered sex offender convicted of rape in 2018 and sentenced to three years incarceration.
Falfurrias Border Patrol Station agents apprehended another Salvadoran national near Encino on the same day. During processing he was identified as a 18th Street gang member.
On April 19, MCS agents encountered and identified a Salvadoran as a MS-13 gang member with an extensive immigration record.
All subjects were processed accordingly.
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