Police: Suspect Told Dispatch He Wanted to Kill His Wife


ABILENE, TX – New details have emerged in the hostage situation that resulted in the shooting of a suspect by a member of the Abilene SWAT team.

According to the Abilene Police Department,  Mario Cearda Rivera, Jr. called 9-1-1 himself after telling his wife he was going to kill her.

He allegedly held a knife to his wife's throat while on the phone.

Rivera then told dispatch he planned to kill his wife and wanted the police to shoot him. He went then on to hold his wife hostage for nearly an hour.

After SWAT officers attempted to negotiate with Rivera, he exited the home by dragging his wife by the hair and out through the front door. 

When they exited the home, Rivera was holding a knife to the victim's throat.

Rivera's bond has been set at $250,000.

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