SAN ANGELO, TX -- The Black Lives Matter group had another non-violent protest today, this time at Martin Luther King Park.
Today's rally was less hostile than the first protest as the group met at the tables of the park to discuss current affairs in the African American community.
Although this was the second rally held by the group only a portion of those from the first rally attended the second. At the start of the rally, we counted less than 30 cars in the nearby parking locations.
A prayer vigil held on Tuesday brought city leaders and pastors from throughout the city, along with law enforcement officials who spoke about unity and prayed for the community. At the gathering on Thursday, only citizens and officers with the San Angelo police were seen.
Another rally put together by San Angelo's NAACP will be Saturday at 3:45 p.m. This will be an authentic civil rights march led by leaders of San Angelo's NAACP. Called the "#WeAreDoneDying Community Peace Rally," it is planned to take place in front of the Ministerial Alliance Campus at 1100 Martin Luther King Dr.
There a raciest organization they just look for photo ops and places to stir shi. Are there organizations call naawp nope oh and lulac don’t forget them all a bunch of full of crap people praying on others and that is they truth OH POOR ME THERE KEEPING ME DOWN. no YOUR keeping YOU down
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PermalinkI don't see how anyone in this town can even go outside when the heat climbs toward triple digits! Y'all are just askin' for heat stroke!! Not to see insensetive as I hope to god everyone in this town has air conditioning, but Praise be for my AC!!
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PermalinkHow much crack did they sell?
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PermalinkDying at the hands of those who are paid to protect you is a terrible thing. The Breonne Taylor shooting was one of the most frightening things I have ever figured out. Anyone of us could be in the right house at the wrong time. Anyone of us could be the victim of failure to communicate at the highest levels. I am part of the privileged who don't worry so much about being shot for running on the street or for bird watching in a public park. That said, not every American of color is a target, and we need to not let the black specter of targeted killings cause us to forget that. Where are the leaders of people of color, however, because whenever I have tried to be helpful someone tells me I just don't understand because I'm not them. So then where are the ones who are "you"? Sitting behind a camera spouting platitudes and oration? Sitting behind the desk of a Fortune 500 company or a federal department? Going to an exclusive school? Where are the high-ranking military? The ministers? The figures who have done this before? More sports and entertainment figures need to step forward. Many Americans of color are letting their young carry the burden, the young of all of us are carrying the burden. If you don't want me to help, then I won't; even though I was in Jackson, MS, in the summer of '64; even though I tutored (one of 5) at a traditional black college; even though I was asked to leave by my own college because of my activities. You see? We never forget the anger of being unjustly treated, but we can turn it into something positive. Those of us who understand, at least somewhat, could be part of the dialogue. Same song, different verse.
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PermalinkThe video of George Floyd slowing being murdered is very sickening and must have been very difficult for his family to watch. By all accounts, he was a decent man and family man that looked out for others. What happened to him was a tragedy....for his family and friends. What is happening now has nothing to do with George Floyd. NOTHING. If black lives matter, they should matter to blacks the most, right? Well, if that is the case, why is it that in Chicago alone, 1074 blacks have been murdered by other blacks from 2016 to present day? 191 black people have been murdered by other black people in Chicago this year and that is only 1 less than all of last year!!!! Where is the outrage?? Now remember, 1074 people in 4.5 years in Chicago alone! Now, there slogan is "we are done dying" but who exactly is doing the most killing? The police they say is the big bad wolf in this scenario. So here is the truth. 13 unarmed black people were killed by police last year. 20 unarmed WHITE people were killed by police last year. Hmmmmm. Well, how about this fact....There were 607,725 interracial violent crimes in 2018. White on black incidents were 10% of the total. BLACK on WHITE violent crimes were a staggering 90% of the total. So the "we are done dying" means you're done dying at the hands of other blacks. Or, maybe they are talking about their high abortion rate which is almost 3 times higher than whites. Now, I'm sure they are going to say that blacks are poorer than anyone else so that is the reason these facts exist. Well, when you burn down and loot the small black businesses in your community for every perceived outrage or whenever your city wins a sports championship (SMH, never understood that one), you are literally setting back your communities for generations to come. It could be this fact also.....the number of black single mothers in the US in 2018 was an overwhelming 4,035,000. That is a lot of mothers having to deal with life on their own when they should have a partner to help them. Having a father in the family has shown to lead to more success of the family unit overall and children being educated in institutions of higher learning. Also, just about every major city in the US is run by minorities. Black Mayors, Black Police Chiefs, Black Superintendents, etc., etc., so explain to me how there is systemic racism in cities literally run by black people? Good question. Now, we all know that there are many, many billionaire and millionaire successful black people, but I never, ever hear them talk about these problems in the black community. Yes, they donate some money here and there, but they are mostly inactive, watching from the sidelines. I'm tired of ranting, but I needed to get this off my chest. I see the same old garbage being spewed out of the same old mouths and it was and is a complete farce. Is America perfect.....NO. Is it still the greatest country in the world....YES! Black leaders need to stop the violence and destruction in their communities and then sit at the table to help create a more perfect union.
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PermalinkOh, the MSM told everyone to get mad, riot, and protest and now we're going to follow suit. We have to wait for instructions and have trained radicals and propagandists sent out to us because we couldn't determine, for ourselves, years ago, that this was necessary.
Come on, guise! Cheeto's in office and wants to make everyone work by bringing all of the manufacturing jobs back that our Liberal Elite shipped out to keep the "cavemen," (SURELY they do not mean US,) out of work and dependent.
It's an election year and our former plantation masters need body shields to keep the plebs from storming their haciendas and actually breaking free completely. Once this is all behind us, they can finish us off by controlling our money through government checks, ramping up abortions to reduce our numbers to a trickle, and of course, keep incarcerating as many young men as possible while smiling to our faces, laughing at us with a twinkle in their eyes.
So long as they SAY nice things and keep pumping a steady supply of rainbows into our asses and every other orifice, in a nice way, we'll happily infanticide ourselves into extinction and serve as their shock troops and body shields.
Justice for flat screens!!!!
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PermalinkThis article lacks professional objectivity. But, anyway, in our digital world, a lot of activism happens online. Check out the new petition to change the name of San Angelo's Lee Middle School. The school is currently named after one of the worst monsters in history, Robert E. Lee, the racist traitor responsible for the murders of hundreds of thousands of patriotic American citizens. It is time to send the right message to our children. Racism is evil.
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