Texas Secretary of State Says 58,000 Non-U.S. Citizens Voted in Texas


AUSTIN, TX — Tens of thousands of non-U.S. citizens have voted in Texas elections according to the Texas Secretary of State’s office.

The Texas Secretary of State's office announced on Friday it discovered that a total of approximately 95,000 individuals identified by DPS as non-U.S. citizens have a matching voter registration record in Texas, approximately 58,000 of whom have voted in one or more Texas elections. Voting in an election in which the person knows he or she is not eligible to vote is a second-degree felony in the State of Texas. Upon receipt of this information, the Texas Secretary of State's office immediately provided the data in its possession to the Texas Attorney General's office, as the Secretary of State has no statutory enforcement authority to investigate or prosecute alleged illegal activity in connection with an election.

Secretary Whitley issued the following statement:

"Integrity and efficiency of elections in Texas require accuracy of our state's voter rolls, and my office is committed to using all available tools under the law to maintain an accurate list of registered voters. Our agency has provided extensive training opportunities to county voter registrars so that they can properly perform list maintenance activities in accordance with federal and state law, which affords every registered voter the chance to submit proof of eligibility. I would like to thank the Department of Public Safety for providing us with this valuable information so that we can continue to guarantee the right to vote for all eligible Texas voters, who should not have their voices muted by those who abuse the system."

Going forward, the Texas Secretary of State's office will use information it obtains from DPS on a monthly basis to cross-reference with Texas' statewide voter registration database and match potential non-U.S. citizens who have registered to vote. Once a voter registration is identified as a match, the Texas Secretary of State's office will notify the county in which the person is registered so that the county voter registrar can take action.

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Listed By: Johnny Rutherford

Hey Yantis, that's 58000 votes your boy Beto shouldn't have received.

Listed By: west texas wanderer

That is 58,000 Texans whose votes were cancelled out one way or the other.
We need to close this border or our country will be lost, if it’s not already.

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CGM5, Fri, 01/25/2019 - 18:46

I think that Secretary of State must be makin up some whoppers. 95000 non citizens voting just in Texas, pssst. The vast majority of media sources and any liberal worth his/her salt will tell you voter fraud is just a myth most likely perpetrated by them right wing whackos. I betcha this ain't nuthin but a nuther one of them Trump conspiracies, just like Russia. Heck everybody knows him and Putin are in cahoots, there's proof of it somewhere.
How bout this wall thing? I don't think we should give 5 billion to help do that. I think instead, we should give it to Iran. After all, obamma gave a 100-plus billion already and they love us so much for it. Just think how much good another 5 billion will do for our relationship with Iran. We sure don't need to waste it on border security. Illegal immigration is just another one of them evil myths made up by them maga people.

Listed By: Hog Dog

like ol s1alt and sa x say this does not happen.
We don't need to stinkin voter registration . No voter ID.
They also say no borders no wall. Everyone welcome. No questions asked.
Full benefits.
Including SS number.

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