Abilene Police Police Find Emaciated Dog Covered in Blood, Owner Out on Bond


ABILENE, TX-- Abilene police arrested a man on suspicion of animal cruelty on Tuesday, according to a report from KTXS.

Police arrested David Kelsey, 62, at his residence on Old Anson Rd. after finding a "large dog" extremely emaciated and covered in blood. He has since posted bail.

Police say the dog had blood on its front legs, muzzle and mouth. According to police, the dog was tied up to the back porch with no food, water and limited shelter.

Kelsey changed his story on multiple occasions, according to police. He told police he didn't have money to take the dog to the vet, but authorities found evidence to believe otherwise.

The dog was taken by animal control who took the dog to a vet. Dr. Allen Bolt said the dog had a "severe" case of heart worm and had been infected for over a year.

Dr. Bolt rated the dog a 2 out of 9 on the emaciated scale, with 1 being the worst.


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