SAN ANGELO, TX — The San Angelo Police Department’s Street Crimes Division served a search warrant on a home in the 1000 block of Glenna where Methamphetamine was suspected to have been stored and sold.
Police didn’t reveal if they found much Meth, but one person was arrested for possession of a controlled substance, presumably Meth, in an amount that will only get her a third-degree felony charge.
A neighbor sent San Angelo Police Chief Frank Carter a shout-out on Facebook as operations were ongoing, thanking police for identifying the house as the cause of much drug troubles in the neighborhood. “Thank you Chief! Good job SWAT. Problem house no more,” wrote Kristyn Griffin.
The home had juveniles inside who were with the woman arrested. CPS was at the scene taking care of the kids while police packed the woman up in a police cruiser and took her to the Tom Green County Jail.
Police identified the woman arrested as Christal Elaine Acevedo. She was booked into jail at 7:57 p.m. for Possession of between one and four grams of a Controlled Substance, Penalty Group 1.
The Street Crimes Division has been busy fighting the Meth distribution problem in San Angelo. Last month, they raided a suspected Meth house across from an elementary school. Earlier in September, the Street Crimes Division stormed a suspected Meth house on Lipan.
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So you bust into a house and arrest someone for using something in there own home. Wheres the scales for the distribution, wheres the baggies, wheres the paraphernalia. Wheres the fkn meth storage bins or bags .wheres all the money, ..SAPD has done some dumb stuff, but last time i checked this is America and people are allowed to put whatever they want in there bodies. And san angelo live, really, you write a story on this bs...lmao, meth supply house....the folks who are really holding weight are laughing right now....idiots
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Permalink4 grams, about the amount of a packet of scales, no paraphernalia, no distribution material, nothing to say "supply house" .joe hyde, where did u get your info from, obviously not from facts,
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PermalinkIt isn't clear enough for you, "suspected" means they thought it was there. We may find out more tomorrow. 4 grams of Meth is 24 hits, or around $200 - 260 street.
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PermalinkYea its very clear to me that by writing this junk you are biased and dont believe in innocent till proven guilty . what i know you dont post is that probably 80% of these charges are dismissed or dropped but we never here that part do we. Yes , 24 hits ok, $200, ..Thats the big supply, 24 hits..4 grams, grams were talking, still enough to fit in a individual ketchup scales, no does that give you any kind of proof to put a title like that on a sub par title, sapd breaks a door down and does more damage then the amount of personal drugs found...
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PermalinkThe story is what it is, and the headline is great. It got you to not only read it, but engage in a discussion about it. Make Journalism Great Again!
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PermalinkFirst off, thank you for doing your job Joe. I always love your articles.
Second, to all the other comments above mine, DRUGS ARE ILLEGAL WETHER ITS A LITTLE OR A LOT. Especially right across from an elementary school. The same elementary school my children go to. I don't want drugs being sold where my children can see it from the playground.
And third, yes i witnessed a drug bust yesterday with assault rifles and battering rams and i did post that comment on facebook. They did an amazing job. This drug bust however was on a different street. From this one, 4 arrests, at least 2 illegal firearms, lots of narcotics, and lots of other details about this house/investigation I'm not willing to disclose here because of ongoing investigations.
My point is, if you think methamphetamine in small amounts is no big deal, there something suspicious going on in your life. That s#!t destroys people and it only takes a little so no drug bust is a waste of time.
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PermalinkMeth is illegal - in or out of someone's house! Personal drugs?! Jeez! The children in the home need to be safe and taken care of!
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PermalinkDoes it say meth or controlled substance...which could be any of a long list...
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PermalinkSuspected meth.....might not be meth at nobody wants to answer about where all distribution material was....bad bust sapd, sometimes u need yo do a lil more intelligence ...blew your wad too soon carter
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PermalinkShe had meth-it's illegal. Pretty extensive arrest record.
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PermalinkDid she? You saw them test it? You saw tbem label it ? Controlled substance ...lots of them!!! Js
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PermalinkJoe simply reported on an arrest which was made during the SAPD's serving of a search warrant. At the time of the report, it wasn't made clear what specific activity was found to be the cause of this search, hence "suspected". It wasn't confirmed what the person arrested had possession of, only that they were arrested for a "controlled substance". This is just responsible journalism 101, R.D.. I doubt Joe had it in for any of the parties involved.
Law enforcement agencies usually don't go randomly kicking down doors unless there's a pretty substantial investigation, complete with evidence and probable cause to support their bust. The moron with the "control substance" obviously got it from somewhere, and if she wants to roll the dice in lessening the chance she'll be taken off the streets and prevented from copping another fix soon, hopefully she'll roll over on her supplier. There's no honor among methheads.
In my experience, the apologists for trash of this ilk fall into two categories. They're either part of the problem, or so far removed from the experience of living among lowlifes like this, that the all too common Liberal mindset of sparing the rod and spoiling the criminal clouds their judgement.
Which category are you in R.D.?
Meth manufacture is a danger to everyone within the immediate area of it's production, and it pollutes the environment the way meth SALES and USAGE pollutes neighborhoods with criminal street trash. If taking a measly 4 grams off the street causes even the slightest inconvenience to the human garbage involved in this trade, I'm all for it.
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PermalinkI agree with most of your comment , but calm down with the meth manufacturing , thats the type of talk that made these civil servants act like gorrillas and went knocking down doors only to find a small amount of a controlled substance...never said meth..facts..controlled substances very from pills to tree bark...calm down there super trooper....but yes, i think were almost winning this war on drugs...almost there..smh..
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PermalinkIn spite of efforts on the part of those who despise the law to disguise their hatred for it, one is either for or against it. Fools may not believe there is a God, but his word says that those who enforce the law are his servants and that they do not bear arms in vain. It also says they are not a threat to those who abide by the law. They are only a threat to those who love evil. They are rulers of evil, and if they must be gorillas to do so, more power to them. Let the evildoers be very afraid because if God be for them, who can be against them?
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