SAN ANGELO, TX - Over the weekend and this week, local law enforcement arrested 112 people, including 30-year-old Daniel Armenta yesterday afternoon at the Concho Valley Community Supervision & Corrections Department and Adult Probation. Tom Green County Sheriff's deputies arrested Armenta on two outstanding motion to revoke probation warrants for Indecency w/Child Sexual Contact and Sexual Assault of a Child, and booked him into the Tom Green County Jail at 2:33 p.m.
According to court documents, on or about March 11, 2015, Armenta sexually assaulted a female victim younger than 17 at his residence. The victim attempted to fight the defendant, but failed. In July of 2015, a grand jury indicted Armenta on the charges, both second degree felonies.
In February of 2016, Armenta entered a plea agreement. By pleading guilty, he got Deferred Adjudication, had to pay $1,050 in fines and other costs. However, on March 20, 2017, an order for Armenta's arrest was issued, and the motion to revoke probation warrants were issued for Armenta's arrest.
Court documents noted that Armenta failed to make his probation payments, and he had other run-ins with the law. On or about Feb. 4, 2017, Armenta was found to be in possession of marijuana less than 2 ounces and he was driving while intoxicated. His alcohol content was greater than or equal to .15. Additionally, on or about Nov. 4, 2016, Armenta used methamphetamine and alcohol. In February 2017, he used alcohol again. Armenta also was away from home during curfew hours on three different occasions, and he failed to attend, participate, and/or complete his Sex Offender Therapy program on six different occasions, failed to submit a polygraph test, and was found to be in possession of pornography.
With this arrest, Armenta's bond is set at $50,000.
Armenta is one of several arrested this week, including the duo caught by a SAPD sergeant (visit here), a man and woman caught with heroin and meth (see here), and another San Angelo man who sexually assaulted a minor (click here).
Overall, out of the 112 arrests, 48 people were arrested for new crimes, 47 for outstanding warrants, and 17 people for both.
Here are the crimes to make the new complaint list:
- Unlawful Carrying of Weapon: 2
- Evade/Resist Arrest: 5
- Possession of Controlled Substance: 6
- Possession of Marijuana: 14
- Possession/Delivery Drug Paraphernalia: 15
- Assault Causes Bodily Injury (Family Violence included): 6
- Fraud Destroy Removal Concealment: 1
- No Proof Financial Responsibility: 2
- Prohibited Weapon Knuckles: 2
- DWI: 2
- Public Intoxication: 4
- Purchase/Furnish Alcohol to Minor: 1
- Soliciting from Roadway: 1
- Aggravated Kidnapping Bodily Injury/Sexual Assault: 1
- Driving While License Invalid: 4
- Failure to Control Speed: 1
- Fail to Stop/Stop Sign: 1
- Fail to Identify Fugitive: 3
- Unauthorized Use of Vehicle: 1
- Display Fictitious Motor Vehicle Registration: 1
- Theft Class C: 2
- Theft of Service: 1
- Theft of Property: 5
- Criminal Trespass: 5
- Unlawful Possession Firearm by Felon: 1
- Manufacture/Delivery Controlled Substance: 1
- Violation Bond/Protective Order: 1
- DOC-Abusive Language: 1
- Terroristic Threat of Family: 1
- ISF Hold: 1
- Aggravated Assault Date/Fam/House w/Weapon: 1
- Burglary of Habitation: 2
- Pedestrian Walking w/Flow of Traffic: 2
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