BIG SPRING, TX – Yesterday afternoon, Big Spring PD and DPS Troopers were involved in suspect chase that resulted in an officer involved shooting. According to local news sources, the call began after a 911 call reported the suspect was armed and acting suspicious.
Sgt. Justin Baker, of the Texas Department of Public Safety, informed the shooting took place at two locations. One location was confirmed as 10th Street and Owens Street.
Multiple shots were fired, but no officers were hurt. News West 9 reported the suspect was transported to the Scenic Mountain Medical Center. He later had to be airlifted to the University Medical Center in Lubbock.
According to witnesses, it was the suspect who opened fire first. Witnesses on scene spoke to CBS 7 regarding what they had seen unfold in front of the local AT&T store, and then continued until the chase ended behind the high school.
"We heard, ‘Get your hands up! Gotta see your hands! Gotta see your hands!’ Then the gunfire started," said one witness.
The investigation is now being handled by the Texas Rangers, and no further information is available regarding the identity and medical condition of the suspect.
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