Possible Kidnapping Occurs in Big Spring


BIG SPRING, TX- A press release from the Big Spring Police Department (BSPD) gave descriptions of a possible kidnapping that took place on Wednesday, Nov. 23.

At approximately 1:40 p.m., officers arrived on scene and located the suspect’s vehicle. The press release said, “Upon contact with the suspect Aguilar, Adrian Hispanic/Male 23 years of age, was found to be in possession of a handgun.”

Also, contact was made with two victims, a 23-year-old male, and a 35-year-old female. They informed officers that “they had been walking from the area of San Antonio and Aylesford when Aguilar had stopped and confronted the male victim.”

Aguilar demanded that both victims get into the vehicle while he brandished his firearm.

“Both victims complied and Aguilar drove them to the 1800 block of Settles. The female victim was able to contact dispatch by phone and alert the police,” the press release added.

Aguilar was arrested and charged with a Howard County warrant for Graffiti, Unlawful Possession of a Firearm by a Felon and two counts of Aggravated Kidnapping. 

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