SAPD Hits Drivers with 60 Citations During Operation


SAN ANGELO, Texas - This morning, the San Angelo Police Department’s Traffic Section conducted a LIDAR Traffic Enforcement Operation in the eastbound lane of the W. Houston Harte from the Howard Street overpass. As a result, officers issued 60 citations and four warnings.

The breakdown for citations is as follows:

  • Speeding: 35 (Highest speed 86)
  • Fail to slow down or vacate lane for emergency vehicle: 10
  • No DL/DWLI: 2
  • No Insurance: 4
  • Other/Misc. charges: 9
  • Warnings: 4

"As a reminder, the Texas Transportation Code requires drivers nearing stopped emergency vehicles with lights activated to either slow down 20 MPH or change lanes," said Tracy Gonzalez, public information officer for SAPD.  "Failing to take these actions endangers personnel who provide critical and life-saving services."  

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Listed By: John Chinn

Concho, Wed, 08/17/2016 - 21:20

I agree with you that enforcement should be across the entire city. However, this particular spot is "ideal" for periodic checks. Because of traffic volume it justifies the additional manpower required. The bridge at Howard gives them a long view of upcoming traffic. The spotters clock the speed and radio it ahead to the chasers waiting at the next bridge. It would be interesting to know if all of the stops resulted from being over the speed limit and the other charges just accumulated because of it. Loop 306 is just easy. It would require a different strategy to catch people anywhere else in town.

Listed By: Becky Cottle

Glad to see it! People think they can drive however they want-esp on the loop!

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