Police: Malibu Runs Red Light at Knickerbocker Causing Chain of Collisions


A Jeep was northbound on Bryant and was likely struck by a Chevrolet Malibu when the Malibu’s driver disregarded a red light, San Angelo police said.

The crash happened at the intersection of S. Bryant Blvd and Knickerbocker Rd. at around 6 p.m. this evening.

[[{"fid":"18846","view_mode":"preview","type":"media","attributes":{"alt":"Chevy Malibu vs Jeep and truck on Mar. 1, 2016. (LIVE! Photo/Stephanie Lindgren)","title":"Chevy Malibu vs Jeep and truck on Mar. 1, 2016. (LIVE! Photo/Stephanie Lindgren)","height":"960","width":"1280","class":"media-element file-preview imgbody"}}]]

After the Malibu struck the Jeep, the Jeep in turn was pushed into and struck an unoccupied pickup that was parked.

Both a driver and the sole passenger of the Malibu were rushed to Shannon Medical Center with non-incapacitating injuries, police said.

Police said a citation was pending against the Malibu driver after the driver is interviewed in the hospital. Police also said that there may be an unlicensed driver citation as well.

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