Walmart Kicks Media off Property After Isuzu Slams into Garden Center


Walmart ordered the media off their property following a crash involving a 60-year-old female driver and the cage that surrounds the Walmart Garden Center at the Walmart at 29th St. and N. Bryant Blvd.

[[{"fid":"14312","view_mode":"preview","type":"media","attributes":{"alt":"A teen driver of an Isuzu Amigo crashed into Walmart's Garden Center on Aug. 13, 2015. (LIVE! Photo/Megan Holmquest)","title":"A teen driver of an Isuzu Amigo crashed into Walmart's Garden Center on Aug. 13, 2015. (LIVE! Photo/Megan Holmquest)","height":"681","width":"1200","class":"media-element file-preview imgbody"}}]]
Above: A driver of an Isuzu Amigo crashed into Walmart's Garden Center on Aug. 13, 2015. (LIVE! Photo/Megan Holmquest)

According to San Angelo police, there was a bicyclist hugging the curb on the roadway of the entrance to Walmart facing 29th St. near the Garden Center. The driver of the Isuzu Amigo may have been startled to see the bicyclist and overcorrected, San Angelo Police Traffic Investigator Brian Bylsma said.  “She overcorrected, pulled left and hit the median,” he said. At that point the driver may have lost control and ran into the cage that surrounds the Garden Center.

[[{"fid":"14313","view_mode":"preview","type":"media","attributes":{"alt":"A teen driver of an Isuzu Amigo crashed into Walmart's Garden Center on Aug. 13, 2015. (LIVE! Photo/Megan Holmquest)","title":"A teen driver of an Isuzu Amigo crashed into Walmart's Garden Center on Aug. 13, 2015. (LIVE! Photo/Megan Holmquest)","height":"681","width":"1200","class":"media-element file-preview imgbody"}}]]

The bicyclist was not touched, but the car that the woman was driving was disabled, with the front end damaged severely and the deployment of both font seat air bags. The girl was transported to Shannon Medical Center with unknown injuries, Bylsma said. No one else was injured.

Bylsma said no citation can be issued because the crash happened on private property.

Walmart officials did not indicate why they ordered the media off of their property.

Update Aug 14, 6:35 a.m.

This story originally reported that the driver was a 16-year-old teen driver. The reporter mistakenly heard "16" on the recording of Officer Bylsma's description of the circumstances, instead of what was said, "60". We went back and reviewed the recording after a witness at the scene pointed this out. This story has been updated to reflect that the driver was a 60-year-old female.

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"Overcorrected?" Sounds like coded language. For HAARP. And now a convenient excuse to ban the media and anyone else curious about what's going on...

ckc, Fri, 08/14/2015 - 19:47

People that are curious should stay away from accidents. They hinder first responders and often times they cause other accidents close to the previous one

I know the woman who had the accident. She did indeed swerve to avoid a cyclist. She wouldn't hurt a fly. Before anyone else mentions it, it was not part of Jade Helm either. Just in case you still are feeling uneasy, Aluminum foil is $3.48 for 50 sq. ft. of heavy duty foil, at that very same Walmart.

I love the reference to alminum foil. Back in the day in Eldorado. We had a neighbor every one loved. He started building a sputnik once, and had his hat full of foil so the Martians couldn't read is mind with lazers. :)

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