F-250 Driver Executes High Speed Roll Over to Miss a Deer


A driver was southbound on U.S. 277 towards San Angelo from Bronte in a Ford F-250 work truck and lost control, rolling over and into a utility pole.

According to the Texas DPS, the driver said he was flipping through radio channels, looked up and had run off the right side of the road. As he was making a mild correction to get back into his lane, the driver told DPS that he saw a deer in his path of travel. He swerved to miss the deer, and went into a side-skid that eventually rolled the truck over and into a utility pole.

Below, the location of the crash:

[[{"fid":"14145","view_mode":"preview","type":"media","attributes":{"alt":"An F-150 rollover on U.S. 277 north of San Angelo, TX on Aug. 3, 2015. (LIVE! Photo/Megan Holmquest)","title":"An F-150 rollover on U.S. 277 north of San Angelo, TX on Aug. 3, 2015. (LIVE! Photo/Megan Holmquest)","height":"675","width":"1200","class":"media-element file-preview imgbody"}}]]

DPS said that the driver must have missed the deer. Upon our investigation we found no deer guts on the truck.

DPS cited the driver for failure to maintain a single lane of traffic. He was uninjured, but the truck was probably totaled. The skies were clear and the roadway was dry. The crash happened just after 9:30 p.m.

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