Twin Peaks Takes Back Top Slot in Alcohol Sales


After a month in second chair, Twin Peaks topped the city’s mixed beverage sales again in January, beating out its wrangling competitor Shenanigans by approximately $7,400 in gross sales.

Despite the rise in alcohol sales that pushed them ahead of last month’s primary watering hole, local Twin Peaks Vice President of Operations Brian Schrumpf says the sports bar/restaurant is primarily an eating establishment with a heavy focus on the product.

“We’re not your typical sports bar,” Schrumpf said. “That’s not we do. We don’t push that liquor. [It’s] great to be number one—everyone likes to be number one—but the truth of the matter is, as long as we’re putting out the best product we can put out and people enjoy coming here and we’re catering to everyone—the liquor sales are great, but it’s really secondary to what we’re all about.”

Schrumpf described the Twin Peaks brand as a “brand to wear”, focusing on a mountain lodge meets commercial beer theme that is reflected in not only the wooden interior design elements, but in the plaid-top-paired-with-boots uniform the girls wear.

“We’re a fun place to be for everybody,” Schrumpf said, “families as well. We are a family-oriented place, we are locally owned and operated and we are cognizant of the type of customer that we cater to.”

Twin Peaks caters to a variety of customers, Schrumpf said, ranging from the “sports-oriented, typical Alpha male” to large groups of women to a large family base.

“We are proud of the fact that we can cater to our families,” he said. “It’s fun for us to see kids from high-chair age to high school age…we’re not your typical sports bar.”

The San Angelo Twin Peaks is a locally-owned franchise that sprung up two years ago on Knickerbocker Road. As a restaurant in a small community, Schrumpf said, the goal of the management and staff is to be involved on a local level.

“With great success comes great responsibility in this case and we feel like we need to give back to the community,” he said.

As example, Schrumpf explained that the restaurant earmarks the lion’s share of its advertising and marketing dollars for local organizations that need it, such as Toys for Tots, the Central High School baseball team and the American Cancer Society.

“I’m thrilled that we’re number one,” he said. “Love to be number one in anything, it’s great. But when it comes to being number one overall, we want to be number one in the community whether we have to top liquor sales or not.” 


RankVenueTax ReceiptsGross Sales
1Twin Peaks$9,879.21$147,450.90
3Buffalo Wild Wings$6,399.77$95,518.96
4The Parrot's Head$5,649.77$84,324.93
5Blaine's Pub$5,334.80$79,623.88
7Little River Club$4,045.39$60,378.96
8Fat Boss's Pub$3,924.65$58,576.87
9Midnight Rodeo$3,862.75$57,652.99
10Desiree's Gentleman's Club$3,791.46$56,588.96
11Fast Eddie's$3,762.65$56,158.96
12The Deadhorse$3,239.04$48,343.88
14The Grill$3,005.08$44,851.94
15Outback Steakhouse$2,967.49$44,290.90
16San Angelo Host Events$2,934.19$43,793.88
17Texas Roadhouse$2,893.39$43,184.93
19Giz & Hum's$2,353.97$35,133.88
20The Original Henry's$2,333.47$34,827.91
21Zero One Ale House$2,261.98$33,760.90
22The Office Bar$2,217.83$33,101.94
23Woofers and Tweeters$2,164.03$32,298.96
24Grinners Daiquiri Bar$2,097.83$31,310.90
25Cork and Pig Tavern$1,959.61$29,247.91


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If we take away alcohol from the city, everyone's problems will be solved. People will live cleaner lives without it clouding their judgment. And cigarettes, too! Those need to be banned! And the pornography shops, strip clubs, and bars really pose a danger to children and women as a whole. Even the theaters are really inappropriate sometimes. People need to get together to take these issues to city hall, get this stuff banned, and fix the problems once and for all!

Oh god yes, we don't need freedoms!! Please let's do this and while we're at it let's just shut off the power at dusk, close the roads and lock people in their houses until sunrise, that way they can't do anything and everybody's problems will be solved!

Grow up "Rita" and get a grip on reality.

P.S. Unless this was sarcasm and if so it was brilliant :]

Why are there kudos given for highest mixed beverage sales? It means more people are drinking alcohol or the same people are drinking more alchohol! Has anyone seen the jail logs on how many DUI's and drunk in public citations there are per day in correlation with the increase in alcohol sales? I like my cocktails too but this isn't news worthy and certainly don't think a ban is effective or reasonable. I am happy for businesses that are doing well and wish all the best of luck. This article seems more like an advertisement to me. If anything this article should make responsible people think... how about law enforcement monitor the highest alcohol selling bars/restaurants and see how many DUI's they can issue to help generate revenue for the city and get the bad guys (gals too) off the road before they hurt someone. Let's think about those who died because of a drunk driver.

jdgt, Wed, 02/25/2015 - 08:58

I've never been to Twin Peaks, nor do I care to ever go. There's something completely tasteless in being served by scantily clad females that makes me lose my appetite. I'm not a feminist, nor am I a bible thumper... I just think there should be better ways to attract service to an establishment than that. Apparently, I'm one of the few who has this outlook.

with Gem. we really shouldn't be announcing this like it's some great accomplishment. There are already enough stupid drivers in this town without adding alcohol to the mix.

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