Saturday Morning Icy Roads in San Angelo Crash Thread


San Angelo awoke to icy roads caused by precipitation and below-freezing temperatures Saturday morning. The road conditions are dangerous and police have warned that all elevated structures on roadways are iced-over. Major motor vehicle crashes are occurring throughout the city and in the county on the major arteries into and out of town.

Here is a brief rundown of crashes that have happened so far:

6:20 a.m. West of Mertzon on U.S. 67: A maroon Ford F-250 rolled over and plowed into the adjacent field to the roadway. Minor cuts and bruises were reported by eyewitnesses at the scene.

8:15 a.m. U.S. 67 at Ponderosa Rd. A black SUV rolled over. There were no reports of major injuries.

8:40 a.m. N. Bryant at Chadbounre. Major motor vehicle crash.

8:45 a.m. 400 Avenue L. Major motor vehicle crash.

Below: 400 E. Avenue L crash

Crash at Avenue L and S. Bell Street on January 10, 2015. (LIVE! Photo/John Basquez)

8:50 a.m. E. Harris St./ Pecos, near Central High School. A white SUV is reported to have run off the roadway and is crashed into the trees.

8:50 a.m. U.S. 87 south and Loop 306. Rollover crash. A female patient with incapacitating injuries is being rushed to the hospital via ambulance.

Below: Rollover crash at U.S. 87 south and Loop 306.

Rollover crash at US 87 South and Loop 306 on Jan. 10, 2015. (LIVE! Photo/John Basquez)

9:13 a.m. Home Motors is delayed in cleaning up crash scenes. The temperature outside is 28 degrees F and all roads are wet. Ice is present on all elevated surfaces.

10:00 a.m. A semi-truck crash west of Barhart on U.S. 67 was reported over the DPS radio network.

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I guess if there's a positive note to this, from the last icy weather until now, hopefully most all of the stupid morons that live in this town have all wrecked their cars and can't be out on the roads right now with no inkling of a clue how to adjust their normal "race around town" speeds to match these road conditions......

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