Buick Slams into House on Spaulding Street


At the 1600 block of Spaulding Street at 10:32 p.m. Friday, police and the fire department responded to a crash scene where a full-sized Buick four-door sedan ran into a residence.

Police said that the driver was headed home, came upon a curve in the road, over-corrected and ended up in someone’s front yard, hitting the house.

Apparently it was a mom with two small children in the car. One of the kids was treated for a bump on his head.

The damage appeared to be cosmetic, but the fire department remained on the scene waiting for the wrecker to move the Buick. Then firefighters will double-check the structural integrity of the house.

She was cited for Failure to Control Speed. All of the occupants of the vehicle went to Shannon via ambulance to get checked out, police said.

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Might know it... a woman driver... We should take their driving and voting privileges away. Just look at what's in the Whitehouse not once but twice because of them.....
I seem to recall at least two recent incidents where cars crashed into buildings... at The Peppercorn and the credit union on the loop.. were male drivers. And just think...we may have voted him into the Whitehouse, but he is male and making a horrible mess of things.
It was a little old lady who drove into an insurance company a couple of weeks ago. Not long ago, a woman drove into the Asian Buffet on Knickerbocker, and a couple of years ago, a woman drove her car through the front of Shenanigan's Sports Bar. The score is Women drivers 4-Men drivers 2. (not that it matters).

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