In an early 19th century fable by Hans Christian Andersen, entitled The Emperor's New Clothes, a couple of conmen persuade a king and his subjects to buy into the absurdity of invisible clothing, which only enlightened and competent people could see.
The king, his officials and his subjects, of course did not want to be thought of as less than worthy or intelligent, and so in the interest of saving face, insisted that they could indeed see the clothing the swindler weavers were creating for the king -- and what beautiful and enchanting clothing it was.
The conmen toiled day and night, putting together these elegant, invisible garments, all the while requesting more money and fabric, which they stashed away for themselves.
The king soonafter debuted his invisible getup in a procession; he marched in the streets with a few noblemen behind him carrying his invisible train. "Oh, how fine are the Emperor's new clothes! Don't they fit him to perfection?" the townspeople remarked.
Suddenly, a small child in the herd of fawning sycophants suddenly exclaimed, "but he hasn't got anything on!" Before long the child's observation was being echoed by many in the crowd; "The king hasn't got anything on!"
The king realized that this was probably true, but choosing pride over reason, resolved that the show must continue, ignored the obvious and continued to march on.
For the past two years, the media, with the help of government officials and law enforcement agencies, have woven an intricate, inconsistent story, which the public at large has accepted at face value: the Sandy Hook massacre.
Due to the sensitive nature of the incident, few people publicly question the oddities and inconsistencies within the events that unfolded in Newtown on the day of the alleged shootings.
Anyone who's dared to question any facet of this subject is almost immediately dismissed as a conspiracy nut, or a cold-hearted individual who probably just doesn't like little children. This sentiment usually comes from the well informed masses, who's knowledge on any given subject is delivered via mass media, courtesy of soundbites, cliche propaganda slogans and cable news networks.
The aim here is not to entertain conspiracy theories, as many conspiracy theories are nothing more than idle speculation. Some theories may indeed be based on factual evidence, but more often than not they branch out into areas of ridiculousness which render themselves moot.
There are facts about Sandy Hook, and there are questions about these facts; for this reason I'll deal in inquiry, rather than theory, in hopes of initiating an open dialogue among those concerned with seeking out what really matters: the truth.
We've been told blatant inconsistencies and fed articles of misinformation within this incident's story, which were dismissed and outright ridiculed when questioned.
Where there's doubt, there should be inquiry.
Since Dec. 14, 2012, the emperor has marched about without clothing, and the public had been sold a bill of goods under duress, by those who spin reality and weave deception.
There are no such things as invisible garments, and despite the insistence to the contrary by our nude leaders and their crafty courtiers, many of us are simply not willing to see what isn't there...
At 9:30 a.m. on Dec. 14, 2012, Adam Lanza, a 112-pound kid with Asperger's syndrome, walked into Sandy Hook Elementary carrying artillery and a bullet proof vest, which was over 2/3 of his own weight.
Initial reports claimed two to four handguns were used/left at the scene, however, the final story which the media ultimatelty settled upon was that Adam packed a Glock 10-mm handgun, a Sig-Sauer 9 mm, and a Bushmaster .223 - with 12 30-round magazines for the handguns, and six 30-round magazines for the .223.
Adam then shoots and kills 26 people and changes magazines 8-10 times, between kills, in around 5 minutes.
Despite the impact of 165+ decibels that a single round from an AR-15 would have on the nervous system and the cochlear tube of the inner ear, Adam fires "100s" of rounds, with no disorientation and no cognitive impairment.
Adam produces a 96 percent kill ratio, almost all by way of multiple head shots, ranking him among the most proficient and accurate killers in modern history.
This is an unprecedented display of strength, skill and marksmanship, especially for someone suffering from Asperger's, as two primary characteristics of Asperger's are poor motor skills and a lack of muscle tone.
According to the DPS investigator's report, as authorities were closing in, Adam then contorts his arm and maneuvers the Glock beneath the bottom rear portion of his head; he positions the gun into an acute upward angle, and fires a shot into the bottom of his skull, which then exits the top of his head.
Until the date of the Sandy Hook incident, Adam seems to have dropped off the face of the earth after 2009. No Facebook/Twitter accounts, no driver's license or school ID photos. There are no cumulative school records regarding his disabilities or "special accommodations" for being the gifted student he was said to be.
The only thing that alludes to Adam ever existing are vague testimonials of people who hardly noticed him, and hazy recollections by people who may or may not remember a person named Adam living in the area, or attending school with them.
What evidence do we have of Adam after the shooting?
A hat with a hole in it, a shirt and a pair of size 32-regular pants, which would have fallen off of a 112-pound man, with the bottoms of the pantlegs reaching halfway up the calf of someone 6 feet tall.
If you listened to Connecticut authorities and the various news outlets which were reporting on the scene, and then heard the police communications or read the transcripts, you'd think these were two completely seperate incidents. No one could give a straight-forward answer as to which weapons were indeed found, nor the number of people who were using them.
A law enforcement source told CBS News that casings from a .223 semi automatic rifle were found inside the school. How did they determine that these were “semi automatic .223 rounds", before the alleged AR-15 was discovered? You can fire .223 rounds from a bolt action rifle.
The AR-15 was discovered locked in the trunk of a car, oddly, hours after we had been hearing about it on the news. Did Adam run to lock the .223 in the car, then return to the school to shoot himself?
Later, reports attempted to explain away this curiosity, and claimed that the rifle in the trunk of the car was a shotgun. If this is true, where was this elusive AR-15 that had been definitively determined to have belonged to Adam's mother and used to fire off the .223 rounds in the school?
One of the major factors in this incident is that first responders indicated that numerous handguns and one shotgun were left at the scene of the murders. This differs from the reports of the AR-15, which was said to have been used, and the shotgun, which in some accounts, was said to have later been found locked in the suspect's car.
Exactly which weapons were alleged "shooters" using, and which weapons were referenced over the police/emergency radio?
In any instance of human injury--intentional or accidental--emergency vehicles and personnel are promptly dispatched to the scene. Within minutes of a mass casualty incident, trauma helicopters would have been dispatched, flying every critially injured victim out for immediate treatment. Victims would have been quickly rushed to hospitals, where doctors make every attempt possible to save their lives before pronouncing people dead.
What did we see at Sandy Hook? Empty "START Triage" mats, no bodies being rushed out for dispatch. Police and other personnel are seen casually milling around making no rescue attempts, and no emergency vehicles are seen arriving at the school.
In fact, the only emergency vehicles in the area were those which were boxed in by other vehicles, inside the parking lot of the nearby firehouse. It's against federal law to block emergency vehicles in such a manner. Why was an exception made on this day?
Arriving medics were told to stand down and keep away.
Within eight minutes, the first responding officers on the scene had declared 18 children and six adults dead.
Police officers are not authorized to pronounce people dead, nor are EMTs; to do so is not following proper code BLUE protocol.
Responders are trained to S.T.A.R.T. triage, they transport/air lift in an attempt to save lives, no matter how fruitless the efforts may seem. In no instance, do police officers and state troopers declare people dead and wave off medics.
Properly identifying deceased victims requires disrobing, weighing, measuring and washing the body, as well as the documentation of identifying features, such as scars, tattoos etc. At the time of these procedures, families of the deceased are then called upon to help ID the bodies. These are standard postmortem procedures.
In addition to declaring the victims dead, the first responding officers also assumed the roles of positively identifying them at the school. Parents are then allegedly informed that they cannot ID their children in person, but may do so by viewing pictures.
For some reason that day, things were carried out in a suspiciously unorthodox manner. By what authority was this allowed to happen?
To simply say that emergency protocols were not followed would be a gross understatement.
Until recently, no direct proof of anyone being killed was presented. The Newtown Clerk’s Office refused to release death certificates until the state's Freedom of Information Commission ruled that the information should be released. It is still unknown why the death certificates were classified for so long, or withheld to begin with.
In the early stages of the investigation, no children are identified by name, no eyewitnesses indicated seeing children being shot. The few children interviewed afterwards report only hearing "things falling over".
The images frequently presented were a collection of odd, low resolution photographs, some of which appeared to be retouched or compiled collages.
One particular photo, which generated a bit of controversy, was that of a child named Lily Gaubert, who was depicted in the media as an allegedly-deceased victim named Allison Wyatt. Lily’s mother discovered the error and made it public. Strangely, Allison's family said nothing about the mix up, and has yet to comment.
People who could surely tie up some loose ends in this case would be, first of all, the anonymous, wounded adult who no one's bothered to seek out. This unidentified survivor surely has something of value to offer the investigation, e.g. number of gunmen/whether or not Adam was among them.
Another person of interest would be the unidentified female student who survived by "pretending to be dead". Yet, nothing about what she saw or experienced has come to light. Her family, however, sued the state for $100 million on her behalf, citing “sustained emotional and psychological trauma and injury”, due to hearing "cursing, screaming, and shooting". The suit has since been withdrawn.
What does this girl know, and why isn't her knowledge of this incident being sought out?
John Voket, the editor of The Newton Bee, reported that Sandy Hook principal, Dawn Hochsprung, recalled how “a masked man entered the school with a rifle and started shooting multiple shots...that went on and on".
Three days later the paper issued a retraction and revised the story...Dawn Hochsprung didn't give an interview, rather died lunging at the gunman in an act of heroism. Like the "Adam's mom is a wonderful school employee" debacle, which was erroneously reported at first, we have not only faulty reporting, but a suspicious, deliberate effort to attribute dimension to a personality.
To mistakenly report a facet about an individual is one thing; to present a fictitious quote is a whole other ballgame.
Natalie Hammond, a teacher, reportedly took four rounds while attempting to hold a conference room door shut from the inside, by leaning against the door -- a door which opened outward.
Natalie was the only adult supposedly transported to Danbury Hospital. However, in video footage, the woman being dispatched and placed into the ambulance has no trace of blood, and looks much older and heavier than Natalie.
Natalie was purportedly the only surviving wounded adult. Who was this woman?
The woman was later identified as music teacher Maryrose Kristopik, who had no record of being wounded.
It's also noteworthy that it's standard medic protocol to have two EMTs accompany a patient on a gurney, rather than one medic casually rolling them to the ambulance while holding car keys in one hand, as was seen with Ms. Kristopik.
I suppose seeking out victim/witness testimonials may be a bit of a tall order, seeing as how the readily-available witness accounts have been ignored, and pertinent information so negligently handled.
The way the media fumbled their stories and mismanaged their news delivery also must be taken to task, and questioned.
Why did CNN use a clip of a SWAT team drill, shot at St. Rose of Lima Elementary School from months before, and present it as footage of a real-life law enforcement response at Sandy Hook?
Why was Adam's mother repeatedly said to have worked at the school, and what were the motives of those who gave these glowing testamonials of her exemplary character and bubbly personality?
At 11:02 a.m., the media reported that police had raided a suspect's residence. The Lanza house wasn't allegedly entered until after 2 p.m. Who's house was entered, and on what grounds? What was found?
Where, amongst the copious raw helicopter footage, are the images of this huge evacuation? Shouldn't the news media have been inundated with the video and images of 600+ kids and staff, at least as many parents/family members, in addition to police, fire and medical personnel at the fire depot and school grounds?
We have but one single photo of about a dozen kids to make a case for said "evacuation".
Most schools have a handfull of school buses on the grounds, at the beginning and end of every school day. Where were the buses?
Why would any scenes within this mass evacuation be ignored? Wouldn't the news media want any of that footage, instead of the bizarre interviews and shots of anonymous, wandering people?
One relatively strange media moment, is when Robbie Parker, father of Emilie Parker, enters a press conference, oddly laughing and smiling and asks "just read the card?" , before hyperventilating and switching into grief mode.
Robbie's statement was that of a distressed parent; why would anything a grieving parent wanted to say be written on a card?
An unlicensed school nurse named Sally Cox said she saw the shooter and made eye contact...and later, that she hid under a desk, and saw only the shooter's feet. The nurse said that the gunman was the son of the kindergarten teacher, who was known to her and “an absolutely loving person.” It later came to light that Nancy Lanza had not been a kindergarten teacher at all, and that neither Nancy nor Adam had any connection to the Sandy Hook school whatsoever.
Cox also claimed to have hidden in a closet for four hours. How did the officers, who were searching every inch of a building for gunmen, somehow overlook someone hidden in a closet?
Gene Rosen--a purported psychologist who attended just two years of college at North Texas State--is one of the most curious of the Sandy Hook bunch, giving animated and conflicting statements time and again.
Gene supposedly harbored six children who ran away from the school, rode to his house on a school bus and sat down on his lawn in tears, telling him that their teacher, Ms. Soto, was dead.
What did Gene do then? Call the police? No. He took the children inside and gave them some toys to play with.
What about the bus driver who dropped off the kids at Gene Rosen's house. Why hasn't his/her story been told; and why can't Gene ever make up his mind, whether the bus driver was a man or a woman?
A parent who was interviewed by Katie Couric mentioned that all four doors of the suspect's black honda were open, and numerous sweat shirts were on the ground near the car doors.
If we're to buy into the lone gunman story; who opened all four doors and discarded these sweatshirts? Who disturbed the crime scene by closing these car doors, as seen later in media coverage?
As I questioned the lack of media coverage of the evacuation, I must ask the same question about anyone within the incident's immediate area: How, in this age of social media and cellphone cameras, do 600 or so students evacuate from the school, without a single picture being snapped by students...or anyone within the vicinity?
Allegedly, hundreds of shots rang out within an area containing hundreds of people, with only a single call to 911 about "possible gunfire".
If a handgun goes off in a populated area, usually, dozens of people notice and react. How can hundreds of rounds from an alleged AR-15 not elicit more requests for service?
The communications between police authorities and dispatch were also very suspicious.
During the course of the incident, a driver named Chris Rodia was pulled over in a black Honda. Some have speculated that he had something to do with the Sandy Hook incident, however, there just isn't any credible information out there to implicate him.
What is interesting about this traffic stop is that--at the time the officer on the radio was running the license plate of the infamous black Honda--the alpha-phonetic police and dispatch protocol was not consistently utilized.
Police agencies nationwide use the phonetic alphabet system to enunciate alpha-numeric data between the officers and the dispatchers. This is a mandatory practice, done for accuracy, and ditching this procedure is not optional.
Another curiosity about the radio communications occuring that day, are the 33 frequency changes to the Connecticut Statewide Emergency Radio Network. These were suspiciously implemented, beginning five hours before the shooting.
There are several questionable tactics and acts by the authorities, which bewilder many as well.
At 9:45 a.m., a police officer discovers a surviving kindergarten girl in the hallway, then sends her back into Room 8 -- with numerous dead bodies, and an uncertainty of the suspect's whereabouts. What trained law enforcement officer would do this?
At 9:55 a.m., two Connecticut State Troopers enter Room 10, also with dead bodies, and tell a male child whom they found in a bathroom, to stay in Room 10...they instruct him that they'll both be back when it is safe. Again, why?
Later in the evening, police locate one of the "long guns" in the trunk of the suspect's car. He's seen carelessly ejecting shells, without gloves, without a concern for contaminating the "evidence". Again, we're looking at very unorthodox police procedure.
The awkward medical examiner, Dr. H. Wayne Carver claimed that the Bushmaster .223 was used in the murders, and that the bullets remained in the tissue of the bodies.
This is an impossiblity, as the high velocity of the bullets fired from the .223, travel at 3,000 feet per second, and would have the ability to penetrate several surfaces before coming to a rest.
Dr. Carver also ordered that Lanza's body was to be held for toxicology tests before his father could claim him; he postponed the examination of Adam Lanza’s body until two days after the shooting. However, Jean Henry, a processing technician in Carver’s office, was placed on leave after bringing her husband -- an unauthorized party -- into the state morgue to view Lanza’s corpse.
A father who needed to claim/ID his son had to follow procedure; a random colleague and her husband who wanted a peek under the circus tent didn't -- a severely compromised postmortem operation, and a blatant disregard for common decency.
The ever-present shroud of secrecy is also disheartening...
Soon after the incident, three state agencies (Connecticut's enviromental protection agency, the Connecticut state police and the violent crimes unit) had no records of biohazard/blood clean up. All three--if not at least one--should have had this information available to the public.
It was later discovered that a company named Clean Harbors was contracted for the job, but why would questions regarding the cleaning procedures and hired contractor be railroaded for so long?
The state attorney general fought against the release of 911 calls. Why?
The New Haven Federal Bureau of Investigation field office was ordered to classify the details of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. Who directed this, and why?
If one bothers to check the FBI stats on homicides listed for Newtown, they'd see that there are none for 2012.
Why is this? A homicide is a statistic that by law, must be recorded and publicly noted. No explanation has been cited for this oddity.
The Men in the Woods
The identities of the two-to-four additional suspected gunmen apprehended by Newtown and Connecticut state police remain a mystery, as well.
In police communications, officers are heard giving details of a pursuit. Some of these mysterious figures are caught on camera, running past the gym and into the woods.
Stories about a wandering, off-duty "tactical officer" emerge, and then one of a student's father who impulsively decided to run around the area in camo, but was just on his way to "make gingerbread houses" at the school.
One officer is heard saying "They are coming toward me".
Another announces, "We have a suspect proned out". (lying down)
A later broadcast indicates that officers have "One suspect down....One in custody".
First responders claim the gunfire ended once they gained entry, and after Lanza shot himself, however, police radio indicates officers enganged suspect/s in gunfire long after the alleged Lanza suicide.
Were these people in any way involved with the reported "masked suspects in the purple van"?
One of the men brought out of the woods is subsequently detained in the front seat of police car.
Why did any news about these men in the woods simply vanish within hours of the incident? What became of the ones in the van?
What was the armed, off-duty SWAT officer doing in the area, and why was he running away, rather than attempting to help?
What was the story behind the man detained in the front seat of the police car?
We've essentially been told to completely ignore what we have seen, and simply believe what we have not.
The timeline regarding the memorial pages, fundraisers and even the Social Security Death Index record of Adam Lanza's reported demise are very suspicious.
Many claim that errors and typos do indeed happen. Yes, in a few isolated instances -- possible and believable. In a chain of events with one inconsistency after another-- highly unlikely--and not at all probable.
The assertion that countless social-media outlets and websites could all--coincidentally--have malfunctioning time-stamps, simultaneously, about the same incident is absurd.
The Sandy Hook School Support Fund, which raised approximately $12 million, and was distributed it to the Newtown-Sandy Hook Community Foundation, posted its condolences on Dec. 11, 2012--three days before the Sandy Hook incident.
Sandy Hook teacher, Victoria Soto, had a Facebook memorial page set up on Dec. 11, 2012,--three days before the incident.
A video tribute to the victims was set up on VEMO on Dec. 10, 2012.
The Sandy Hook School Support Fund webpage was also created on Dec. 11, 2012.
A Google search for Sandy Hook United Way yielded not one, but several cache pages timestamped with a Dec. 11 date.
A website entitled Sandy Hook Elementary Victims Fund had a timestamp creation date of Dec. 13, 2012.
A website called, had a fundraiser scheduled for Dec. 10, four days before the Sandy Hook incident.
Tweets such as this are mysterious, to say the least as well.
The Connecticut Governor's twitter account had a Tweet on Dec. 14 that read: "State Police are coordinating w/ federal & local authorities in #Newtown. Will provide add'l updates as they become available."
It's time stamped at 8:02 a.m., Dec. 14, 2012, but the shootings didn't start until 9:30 a.m.--what was the Governor's office coordinating?
Why was the Treadwell press conference being set up hours before the alleged shooting?
Why were dozens of government vehicles arriving on scene as early as 8 a.m.?
The SSI Death Index, along with and initially listed Adam Lanza's date of death as Dec. 13, 2012. These coincidental clerical errors have since been "corrected".
Here we have multiple entities, agencies and sources, all seemingly falling victim to the happenstance of sporadic erroneous timestamping.
Some have cited the possibility of differing time zones being the reason for the timestamp discrepancies, but this argument doesn't hold up, most specifically in the case of the governor's office's Tweet. Surely the governor's staff didn't fly west into another time zone to produce their Tweet.
Too many things simply do not add up.
Crime Scene
Initial reports stated that Lanza was let in through the front door of the school building, due to the staff recognizing him as the relative of teacher/faculty member Nancy Lanza, which we now know was not true.
As the media corrected its erroneous report about Nancy, the story was now that Adam busted through the glass window to the side of the door.
Later, police would claim they busted through the glass to gain entry.
How did Adam allegedly get into the building? How did anyone enter through that hole in the window without collapsing the rest of it?
The activity around the firehouse is also pretty interesting.
In aerial footage of the firehouse, people are seen suspiciously walking into the building, then, out of and around the bullding, and back again, in a circle, as if in a procession.
Some in the crowd appear idle, with their hands in their pockets. No panic or hurrying off anywhere; no one's really engaged in much, just walking. Weird.
Other noticable curiosities are the countless ID badges on lanyards, adorned by most people on the scene, a huge check-in sign, cases upon cases of bottled water, and the highly classified Porta Potties from Southbury, which were delivered within a three-hour period before the incident.
The 26 donated Christmas trees in the Dec. 14 aerial shot of the firehouse are interesting too, as 26 Christmas trees were donated by a generous man on Dec. 15.
The ultimate destroying of the crime scene raises questions as well.
In any crime scene, authorities are very careful to maintain the integrity of the evidence, by keeping anything or anyone from contaminating it. This didn't happen here.
Within the following months, in the midst of what was the alleged "processing of the crime scene", the windows and doors were boarded up.
Ultimately, $50 million of Conn. state funds were allocated for the demolition and rebuilding of the school. This is quite the expenditure from a state who had a projected $1.1 billion deficit for that year.
The primary reason for the demolition was the alleged presense of asbestos.
Employees who worked on the project were required to sign lifetime non-disclosure agreements. Nothing could be divulged regarding anything they may have seen or learned during the demolition.
What could have the demolition team and those involved in dismantling the school possibly encountered that would have made a lifetime gag order necessary?
Selectman William Rodgers cites the sensitivity of the topic, and "doesn't really want those who are there somehow releasing information or recounting impressions of the site, given we are trying to move on, so to speak.”
Jim Juliano, a member of the Public Building and Site Commission, said he believed that extra vigilance is needed to shield Sandy Hook families and the community from exploitation, and to prevent the infliction of more pain on the community.
In other words: Don't ask questions about Sandy Hook, don't speak about Sandy Hook, lest you be considered disrespectful, and inflict "more pain".
As with many weak arguments used to coerce people into uniform compliance, those with the vested interest in censoring the facts and inconsistencies which don't coincide with their agenda have made themselves irreproachable, using the two excuses which will surely prevent people from crossing the line they've drawn: offending others and dishonoring little children.
Most of what's known about the Sandy Hook case is based on circumstantial and peripheral evidence.
We've been told a whole lot of nothing, and encouraged to believe as much of this "nothing" as possible.
Without speculating as to why this story is anything but consistent and factual, we can look at some of the things that have happened since.
As with many other victims of mass shootings, seemingly average people become media darlings overnight. No sooner do they step out of their hospital beds, are they appealing to the Senate to pass bills which only railroad law abiding gun owners.
Southbury Connecticut resident Steven Barton, an Aurora shooting victim, moved to NYC, cut gun-grabber propaganda and is now working with mayor Bloomberg to push new gun legislation.
With casual research, a pattern in anti-gun sentiment and proposed legislation emerges.
If every person involved in a car crash began beating the drum in favor of banning automobiles, we'd probably ask questions. Unless, of course they shouted us down and told us that we're "hurting children".
The agenda gets deeper, with people like Dr. William Begg of Conn., who along with his anti-gun rights propaganda, would like to see law enforcement intermingled with mental health care, thereby making healthcare workers an extention of police authority.
Connecticut’s Office of the Child Advocate would also like to see an intensified bureaucratic and quasi-scientific management over the everyday lives of families and children, and are aiming to make their methodology the basis for mental health practices throughout the United States.
Follow the circumstances, trace the money trail. The information is out there for those willing to investigate.
There was once a time when news was news, and people treated it as news, not religion. The people ultimately decided what they believed, rather than waited to be told what to believe.
The primary goals of mainstream media today seems to strive towards being a mouthpiece for ideologues and political agendas, shoveling as much misinformation and inconsistent, self serving BS to the public as possible, in hopes that the populace swallow down exactly the right amount to produce a desired effect.
Some are so inclined to want information, yet most do very little to seek it out; instead they're satiated by the bare bones of any cookie-cutter, media-spun tale regarding world affairs.
There's something seriously wrong with a public who can be shouted down for being inquisitive, or refusing to hold the feet of the deceptive to the fire.
Someone once told me that they weren't about to dishonor the memories of 26 dead people by questioning the story of the Sandy Hook incident.
If 26 people did indeed die that day, we owe it to them to investigate every aspect of this incident in the quest for justice, as they no longer have a voice.
If the incident proves to be as fraudulent as it's increasingly being seen as, we owe it to ourselves to see that something as nefarious and corrupt never plays on our sensibilities again.
Question everything, for your own sake.
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