Car Rolls Over After Hitting Gravel Dumped by a Sand Truck on Frontage Road


A driver lost control after hitting a patch of roadway littered with sand and gravel from a belly dump truck. The car she was driving rolled over but miraculously, the driver, who was wearing a seat belt, only suffered a scratch to her pinkie finger. Home Motors hauled her car off to the wrecking yard, though.

She was perhaps on the way home in her compact late model Chevrolet sedan. It gets dark early, so it is harder to see hazards on the road like a thick layer of sand and gravel. When the car hit the gravel, she tried to right the car's path. Slipping, the car rolled over.

San Angelo Police Officer Loudermilk did not know when the gravel was dumped on the frontage road. But he said he can determine from the tire tracks in the spread of the gravel that is was done with a “belly dump truck”, like the truck tractors pulling the sand and gravel semi-trailers that are frequent sightings on San Angelo's highways.

The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) was called to mitigate the debris on the road allegedly left by the sand truck. Until they do, beware of the westbound service road to the 2300 block of the Houston-Harte Expressway near the PaulAnn area of San Angelo.

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If this is the frontage road that runs in front of Paul Ann church, I drive over this 4-5 times a day. I can tell you that there has been gravel in small amounts there since the last rain but when I drove over it yesterday (11th) morning it definitely looked like a truck had dumped a massive amount of gravel there. There was so much of it that I had to switch lanes and I drive a 3/4 ton truck. The only trucks I know of in the area are either Reece Albert doing the Howard expansion or the Jen-Co trucks building the new streets in Paul Ann. I'd put my money on the latter.
cant wait til they install the sand plant downtown. Bryant will be covered with sand and gravel. What doesn't get reported is the cracked windshields from all the gravel being dumped on our roads. Can't wait. Hope someone makes a lot of money running these trucks through town!

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