Dodge Ram Crashes Into San Angelo Country Club Grounds, Rolls Over


A dirty Ram Truck crashed through the fence line surrounding the San Angelo Country Club Saturday night. Police responded to a rollover crash at the 1600 block of Country Club Road in south San Angelo just after 10:30 p.m.

Initially, the 911 call indicated that there was a trapped driver. However, upon arrival, the driver and passenger had freed themselves from the vehicle.

The crash tore down five segments of chain-link fence at the SACC and the truck can be seen sitting on its side near the fairway, well into Club grounds.

We will update this story as more information is available.

Update 11:20 p.m.

There appears have been two young males, one driving and the other riding. An older woman arrived declaring that one of the males was her son. Police are investigating.

Update 11:55 p.m.

The driver was a juvenile who admitted to have been drinking alcohol. Police said that in their judgment the driver wasn’t impaired enough to justify an arrest. The driver was released to the custody of his mother. The driver was also given a citation for driving under the influence by a minor and his driver’s license was revoked at the scene. Police said that excessive speed was the primary reason for the rollover crash. No one was injured or transported to a hospital.

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I am going to assume that had this same incident happened on the north side of town, there would have been an arrest... I am not a law enforcement officer, but what constitutes "impaired enough?" The driver took down a fence and rolled his vehicle. Maybe "impaired enough" equals injury or death? I am the mother of a 15-year-old boy and had this been MY son, he would have begged the officers to arrest his inebriated butt rather than "being released to the custody of his mother." I pray that those two boys appreciate the officers' kind gesture and realize how blessed they are not to have injured or killed anybody. I also pray for the mother not to strangle her son too much...
bebop, Sun, 11/09/2014 - 11:39
Parents are the reason for this crash. Tolerance of misbehavior, which they find "cute" until it kills somebody....but if it kills someone other than their kid, they'll tuck them in with milk and cookies and forgive that, too. Arrest a damn drunk driver. Period.
jdgt, Sun, 11/09/2014 - 14:32
I'm with Nina on this one. My GOD! ZERO TOLERANCE! He was drinking, and got behind the wheel... Maybe he wasn't inebriated enough - GOOD... But what about next time?
Nina has obviously never been a teenaged boy. They do stupid things, which is why they have a higher death rate than girls of the same age. Not condoning the behavior but am also not condemning the parents without knowing more.
Since when is a DUI a citation and mommy can come get you? Accident caused by excessive speed, caused by DUI, off to jail you should go! All that damage and he gets to go home with his mommy, well isn't that sweet, fire the SAPD officer for dereliction of duty! Have to question SAPD's motto 'Protect and Serve', I guess that means just at their discretion. I guess that had someone been killed or injured it's ok since Biff wasn't too drunk!
I was discussing my dismay over the handling of this particular incident with my co-workers this morning and was reminded of ANOTHER Texas case where the boy killed four people and was let off due to a case of affluenza: So instead of an arrest, maybe what we really need to do is ask this young driver to voluntarily quarantine himself from the general populace to keep it from spreading?
Money talks and BS walks!!! This kid won't learn his lesson until there are consequences for his actions! As long as mommy, daddy and their $$$ can get him off he's a danger to us ALL!!
bebop, Tue, 11/11/2014 - 02:23
Steve Knickerbocker, I can only hope you're being sarcastic.Or maybe you are this "impaired-but-not-too-badly" child's parent? Maybe if teenage boys were TAUGHT differently by enabling parents, there wouldn't be so many accidents and deaths. Next time, hope this kid doesn't hit you. If he does, you gonna be the one to excuse him again? Just being a teenage boy? Disgusting. Don't drive, drink and be an ass who tears up property, endangers others and could easily cause death. Just DON'T.

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