Juvenile on Scooter Struck by Vehicle in San Angelo


SAN ANGELO, TX — A juvenile riding an electric scooter was struck by a vehicle at about 2 p.m. Friday on Concho Avenue.

He was not seriously injured, according to a traffic officer with the San Angelo Police Department.

The juvenile was attempting to cross Concho Avenue as traffic was backed up due to the red light at Koenigheim Street.

A driver waved the juvenile across the road, and he was struck after he passed between two vehicles.

The driver whose vehicle struck the juvenile stopped to render aid and spoke with officers. 

The juvenile appeared shaken up by the incident, but he was able to walk away from the scene without medical treatment. 

No citations were issued.

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MAGA, Sat, 12/21/2024 - 07:56

Isn't there a crosswalk sign there? Sounds like the teen didn't wait for the sign to tell him it was okay to cross. Reading is fundamental unless you're a z gen. They don't read anything unless it's on their i-phone

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