OPINION — This is an Open Letter to the Voters of the Concho Valley and District 72. The rich folks from California and DC have decided to spend their money here in the Concho Valley to convince you to weaken Texas. It was only a matter of time before they arrived here. They have now targeted Texas as the last bastion rejecting liberalism or socialism or progressivism or wokeism or whatever the heck they call it these days. They have largely taken over the big cities here, so we are next on their hit list.
To achieve their goal, they must divide Texans and the Concho Valley, as we tend to vote about 2-to-1 for candidates who support individual freedom, the 2nd Amendment, our military, and first responders. While we are against welfare, illegal immigration, and “social justice.”
As the left cannot get a ‘Beto’ style candidate elected to anything here, they have now begun funding well-meaning but ideologically simplistic candidates against our leaders who refuse to be bought by special interests. Across Texas primary elections are being held in which self styled ‘Patriots’ are running against good Republican incumbents while Democrat districts are left unchallenged. I don’t need to tell you that wasting money challenging an incumbent because he has the audacity to disagree with other office holders or special interests on an issue is suicidal and small minded.
Voting is underway now to select who will represent us as Republican candidates. The choice is actually quite simple. These so-called ‘Patriots’ are the same folks who embarrassed us on January 6th in Washington DC and the same folks who wish to use government to tell us how to think and live. They are therefore no different than the pink-haired lefty Marxists who desire to use government to control us. I ask you to reject both extremes and to continue to support small government Texas Republicans who want to protect rural Texas, fund law enforcement and necessary services, while otherwise staying the hell out of our lives.
I resigned as Chair of the Republican Party in Tom Green County after a decade in office in part because of the extremists who denounced anyone they disagreed with as a RINO or moderate. I refused to use Party funds to send bus loads of well-meaning but terribly misinformed Republicans to DC, who rightly were upset over the last presidential election results. I was denounced and attacked as a closet Democrat and RINO by folks who called themselves ‘Patriots’. After most of thirty years working for Republicans, this was the last straw for me; I needed a break from their angry attacks.
But now I am urging you to help me by rejecting candidates who are being supported by the so-called American Federation of Children Victory Fund, or AFCVF, and the other fake conservative ‘Patriots’ and stand by those incumbents who have kept Texas safe and fiscally sound through some of the darkest times this nation has faced.
Reject the lingerie model from Big Spring named Stormy Bradley who was not only “endorsed” by a cash-hungry Donald Trump (who had to be paid well for such an endorsement in a way-down-ballot Texas House race), but whose campaign ads are funded by the Super-PAC whose Board is run by a trustee of the Univ. of California at San Francisco and his wife who sits on the board of the Environmental Defense Fund.

Emma Metcalf's lingerie photoshoot of Stormy Bradley, candidate for the Texas House endorsed by Donald Trump
Realize they are trying to manipulate you for the sole purpose of weakening Texas. Texans know about holding out against foreigners who would seek to control us. We won that fight and we will win this one. I hope you will join me in supporting our local officeholders like August Pfluger, Drew Darby and our other incumbents.
Jeff Betty
Attorney at Law
Former Tom Green County Republican Party Chairman
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As much as we appreciate our RINO incumbent, (wherever that kind of creature is from,) the votership does not have the strength to resist the enthralling light emanating from Mrs Bradley's sparkling eyes...
Citizens feel compelled to leave their homes and wander the streets until they find themselves in the private sanctuary of a voting booth.
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PermalinkJeff Beatty needs to be sure that the images furnished by Joe Hyde are actually of Stormy Bradley and the slanderous accusations that keep spewing from SAL are accurate. Mr. Beatty states that Bradley is endorsed by Donald Trump. If so, along with Greg Abbott's solid support, should be a wake up call for any real Republican to cast their vote for Stormy Bradley. Let August know that I left my vote blank. It's too late this time around but things may be different next time. Jeff Beatty needs to be honest and go ahead and switch parties so he can join the twenty-five protestors at the Angry Cactus if he wasn't already there.
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PermalinkThank you for helping me prove my point, Old BS'r. Most Republicans don't agree with your BS, they are just too polite or living actual lives to call you on it. I never said who she was endorsed by I just pointed out they were wrong to assist the California leftists in causing division among right thinking voters. The problems plaguing this country are from those on the Left. If you and yours think I am not Right enough then you are part of the problem, because most Americans would consider me just right of Atilla the Hun. Because of your political myopia we don't have a majority in the Senate nor the White House. BTW, in case you did it on accident my name is Betty. What's yours?....
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PermalinkThe problems plaguing our country primarily come from sniveling schemers who manage to weasel their way out of public scrutiny. The emergent Right is just a response to that, "Bryan."
Don't go attacking the poor hunter for pointing out the obvious. Those who entertain baseless fears are likely to earn themselves real ones. The governor supports Bradley. That speaks volumes.
I have a good friend in NYC who practices law, and once the waves of immigrants came flooding in, and the things I told him would happen, happened, he became very circumspect and involved himself more deeply in his faith.
Perhaps you would consider doing the same, friend.
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PermalinkGiven the selective enforcement of our times, we're lucky that differences aren't being resolved by "Minecraft tournaments." Just yet.
The time of Word Wizards, such as Betty, may be coming to a close. The future, I dare say, belongs to the fighting young alchemists...
But if our local Deep State representatives could arrange for an increase of gruel rations to placate we unwashed peasants in the meantime, that would be great.
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