Japanese Car and Lawnmower Involved in Rollover Crash Near Grape Creek


A Japanese-manufactured Honda Accord hit a trailered lawnmower on U.S. 87 shortly before lunchtime today in the northbound lanes on U.S. 87 north.

Witnesses describe the crash this way:

A van hauling the beleaguered lawnmower on a trailer attempted to turn south from F.M. 2105. When the lawnmower on the trailer entered the northbound lane of U.S. 87, the Accord did not have time to react and crashed into it. The lawnmower flew off the trailer as a result of the impact. The trajectory of the lawnmower caused it to land somewhat off-kilter and rollover. Grape Creek VFD is tending to not only a rollover crash of the lawnmower, but a hazardous chemical spill. Oil and gas in the lawnmower leaked out all over the shoulder of the roadway.

There were no injuries, however, the lawnmower appears to be totaled.

Determining the cause has not been accomplished. The Texas DPS just arrived to initiate their investigation. We will update this story when we receive the accident report tomorrow.

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Please let us know when you determine the nationality of the lawn mower. I'm not sure I can rest until that detail is cleared up.
Actually that Accord was more than likely manufactured in the Marysville, Ohio plant by American workers. The mower might be a totally different story.
Why is "Japanese-manufactured" important for describing the Honda Accord? Just curious .....
The reference to Japanese manufactured vehicles has been a running joke on SAL for a few months. For those of you who missed it, during the reporting of accidents a few months back, some commentors noticed that a lot of Japanese vehicles were involved in accidents. Joe was just having a little interaction with the commentors and it's developed into a humorous opening line. Go with the flow and enjoy the inside joke.
Everyone here knows that "one guy". That "one guy" in the office that you duck into the copy room when you see him, that "one guy" at the bar that you try not to make eye contact with, that "one guy" that always tells the same joke over and over and thinks its pants-shitting funny. This Japanese thing has become "that joke" that was never clever, never witty and most of all, not funny. Can we all agree that this joke is as dead as Mayor Lown's career?
I have to say when I read the headline about a Japanese Car and a Lawnmower I nearly lost it laughing. I bet there were SAL people falling all over themselves to get to the scene!
Japanese Car and Lawnmower Involved in Rollover Crash Near Grape Creek -- You just can't make this stuff up!!
live, Tue, 09/23/2014 - 15:34

Our crack investigative team has learned that the lawnmower is a Sears Craftsman brand.

jdgt, Tue, 09/23/2014 - 16:09
Joe... Don't you mean your crack "smoking" investigative team? :D
No people were involved in this accident. Must get these kamikaze vehicles off the road.

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