Uninsured Driver Causes Four-Car Pile-Up Near Angelo State University


A four car pile-up closed down Avenue N near Angelo State University Friday afternoon. San Angelo traffic policeman Brian Bylsma sorted out the situation.

Bylsma said that he was dispatched to the 2600 block of Avenue N for an unknown problem. It turned out to be a major crash with one person injured. The injured person was in a Dodge Durango. She has refused an ambulance, though.

The way the accident happened, according to Bylsma, is the first three vehicles were in line stopped in the left lane waiting to turn left onto Rosemont. The Durango driver did not see them stopped until it was too late. She laid down 48 feet of skid marks on the pavement in her attempt to stop before crashing into the last of the three vehicles waiting to turn. The domino effect took out the three stopped cars.

The Durango had an infant in a child seat who was crying because of the impact, but Bylsma said the infant wasn't injured.

Two of the vehicles in the crash were sent to the wrecking yard. Two other vehicles were drivable.

The driver of the Dodge Durango was cited for not having insurance and failure to control speed.

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$100,000 dollars worth of vehicles destroyed because some bottom feeder decides she's above everyone else and doesn't pay for insurance, yet has the God given right to get out on the roads with all of us, and then isn't smart enough to know how to pay attention to her driving !!!. CPS should also get involved and take her kid away from her, then charge her with child endangerment. She knowingly and willingly put her child in a vehicle fully aware that it is a violation of the law to operate one without insurance and through ignorance of this, could have easily hurt or killed the kid as well as anyone else on the road....
You can almost bet that if one of us fully insured and licensed drivers were to hit one of the cars of those uninsured scofflaws that they would sue us in a heartbeat for damages.
Appears to be around a 2003 Dodge Durango. Probably not worth a whole lot to begin with. If purchased from one of those 'buy here pay here' outfits it will be repossessed, repaired and sold again. The process just continues.
bebop, Sat, 09/06/2014 - 13:49
the TRUE irony, in this thread, is that, had the liable woman been 1) college girl waitress 2) cute 3) injured with huge unpaid medical bills --- commenters would be contributing to her GoFundMe account and yelling at people on this page who dare suggest she carry insurance on herself.
However, being cited for not having insurance doesn't always mean "uninsured motorist." I was pulled over sometime around 2004 on South Chadbourne for speeding (which I was not: the Camaro that WAS speeding and blew past me on my passenger side actually got away). As I explained to the officer, I produced an old insurance card - it had expired 3 weeks earlier. I'd forgotten to swap out with the new card, and I was cited for not having insurance. Went downtown with the correct card later that day and cleared it up - no worries. Not having a current insurance card is basically the same as not having insurance, as far as the police are concerned (and... rightfully so). Just sayin'.
bebop, Sat, 09/06/2014 - 20:48
you can pull up your policy and show them on the spot with a smartphone...
Maybe YOU (Nina) can pull up your policy/card on your phone - good for you, BTW. But not everybody has a smart phone - mine's an old Sanyo Flipper, actually. I can't take my phone into work, so why pay for an expensive phone and data plan I can't use just for it to burn up in my center console? My point - people are too quick to jump to conclusions.

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