SAN ANGELO – Texas democrats and liberal leftist news organizations Monday attempted to demonize the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, the energy industry, the Texas Legislature and Governor Greg Abbott by issuing dire warnings about the electric grid's impending failure under record demand during a record heat wave. They failed.
The grid held.
The temperature in San Angelo soared to a record 110 degrees as did many locations around the Lone Star State but ERCOT, at the direction of the legislature, had repaired and prepared the grid for just such a record demand. Gov. Abbott made fixing the grid a priority during the last legislative session and signed into law measures to strengthen the grid and expand the amount of energy available to handle just such demand in the wake of the devastating failure of the grid during the record winter storm of 2021.
Texas Democrats have used the grid failure during snowmageddon as a rallying cry for the 2022 midterm elections: "Fix the Damn Grid" echoes from Democratic Candidates Robert Francis O'Rourke. Mike Collier, Luke Warford and others. It appears the 'Damn Grid' is fixed.
ERCOT sent out an appeal to conserve electricity Sunday which is done on a regular basis depending on weather conditions and guidelines directed by the legislature, the governor and the Public Utility Commission. ERCOT's appeal to conserve electricity did not use the term 'rolling blackouts.'
But liberal leftist news organizations across the country, which have an agenda to elect leftist liberals in the midterm elections in November, quickly picked up the fear-mongering cry and splashed sensational and untrue headlines like the following Monday morning: "Texans Warned to Conserve Electricity Amid Fear of Rolling Blackouts – New York Times; "Texas grid operator warns of potential rolling blackouts on Monday" – Reuters; "Millions Of Texans Could Lose Power in Rolling Blackouts" – Forbes; "Texas Faces Rolling Blackouts as ERCOT Warns Not to Use Major Appliances" – Newsweek.
San Angelo LIVE! was criticized for not being sensational enough by at least two West Texas elected officials. They would want their names to be published.
San Angelo Live's Headline was, "ERCOT: No Statewide Power Outages Expected in Extreme Heat Monday." On FaceBook, the byline was, "FAKE NEWS ALERT: ERCOT Has NOT Issued a Warning About Rolling Blackouts Monday."

ERCOT Electric Grid Dashboard 7.12.22 (Contributed/ERCOT)
Despite the fear-mongering headlines and liberal, leftist rhetoric, on Monday, July 11, 2022, the Texas electric grid did not experience rolling blackouts despite a loss of 92% of wind generation failure and record demand.
Texans are known for their common sense approach to problem solving and their neighbor-helping-neighbor attitude. It appears most Texans complied with the request from ERCOT to turn up thermostats a few degrees and postpone using major appliances. Either way, the Texas electric grid held.
The radical voices were wrong. Again.
There were sporadic and isolated power outages as there are everyday in every power grid around the world, but there were no rolling blackouts as predicted and apparently wished for by the far left news organizations and Texas democrats.
The forecast calls for several more days with triple digit heat so the electric grid will be taxed again and again this summer. Like all electric grids and utility infrastructure including water and sewer, natural gas, and others, there's always room for improvement and with the growing population of Texas, there is a need for additional power generation.
What is not needed is more over blown, politically driven sensationalism from liberal journalists and news organizations with an agenda.
What is needed is more Texan, neighbor-helping-neighbor, common sense working together to make a better tomorrow.
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So you think that demonization of the party that doesn't align with yours is "more Texan, neighbor-helping-neighbor, common sense working together to make a better tomorrow"? Yantis, you don't even try to hide your contempt for Democrats. At least they're being very open and loud about their position, even if it's not accurate.
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