COLEMAN, TX -- Following a January dog attack in which a Coleman woman suffered bites to her head area a suspect was arrested and charged with attack by dog on Friday.
According to the Coleman Police Department after hearing evidence, a case was presented to the Coleman County Grand Jury on Wednesday. Upon completion of the investigation into the dog attack on January 17, 2022, the Grand Jury returned an indictment against Cassandra Horn of Coleman for a violation of Health and Safety Code 822.005(a)(1) - Attack by Dog. Attack by Dog, as found in the Health and Safety Code, is charged when the owner of a dog is negligent and fails to secure a dog and it results in the dog attacking a person and causing serious bodily injury. The dog attack must occur somewhere other than the dog owner's place of residence or vehicle.
This indictment against Horn is a Third-Degree Felony. 29-year-old Cassandra Horn was released from the Coleman County Jail on Saturday morning on $7,000 bond.
Meanwhile, according to a Facebook post from the Coleman Police Department, the victim of the attack, 53-year-old Reiko Ogurta-Dogget is doing much better.
On the day of the attack, Ogurta-Dogget was initially transported to the Coleman Hospital and later transferred to an Abilene area hospital.
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You can tell by the look on her face that she adamantly believes her dogs are not vicious and she has done no wrong. Hopefully the courts will wipe that smug look off her face.
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PermalinkThank God. Seems like everyone wants to get a dog these days but hardly anyone wants to train it properly or take responsibility for it. The next law that needs to be passed is to make it illegal to put shock collars on barking dogs, all while making them a requirement for the dog owner. We wouldn't have dogs barking almost 24/7 in our neighborhoods if the owner got shocked every time their dog barked.
Dog owners are getting worse and the good ones are getting harder to find. The good dog owners know this too. People walking all over town with their dog off leash. Barking dogs in Santa Rita can be heard almost 24/7 from my front porch. Ring Neighbor's Dogs is full of videos of lost dogs because apparently securing a dog on one's property is too difficult. My neighbor two doors down just threw pup number three in the backyard (they love them when they are puppies but exile them to a boring life in the backyard when they aren't so cute any more) to join the barking quintet with my neighbor's barking dog.
Dogs take work. They are real social creatures, not fur babies. Train them properly or pay someone to train them. Take them for walks or to the dog park. They have lots of energy that they need to expend and they would like to expend it with you.
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I was raised around dogs. I love the goofy critters and never want to again be without at least one... preferably two or three with at least one rescue critter in the mix. Having said that...
They are animals. They carry some instincts that make them worthy family members. They carry other instincts that can generate "issues". Proper training and socialization serve greatly to mediate the problematic instincts, but they require effort on the part of a dog's owners.
Dogs also depend totally on us for their care... their shelter, food, water, and attention. These things also require effort on the part of a dog's owners. Dogs are not toys; they are living, breathing creatures deserving of respect and proper treatment from any human who seeks to own them. Anyone unwilling to care for these animals properly does not deserve to own one and would be better suited to owning a pet rock.
In closing, the type human I despise most is one who would abuse a child. Next on the list is one who would abuse an animal.
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Permalink100% amigo, thank you for kind reply. We may not see eye to eye on all things political, but here we definitely have common ground.
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