Brother of Recently Deceased Daniel Perez Missing


A 14-year-old San Angelo boy has been reported missing since July 17, San Angelo Police have announced, and may possibly be in the company of an adult female.

Christian Perez, the younger brother of recently deceased Daniel Perez, was last seen in San Angelo. A poster on the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children website describes Perez as a white male with blonde hair and green eyes, 5’8” and 160 pounds.

Perez, although apparently missing, has maintained use of his Facebook account. His most recent post was made July 25 and includes love messages to his apparent girlfriend. Several similar posts have been made to his page since the date he has been reported missing.

Perez and his deceased brother Daniel are part of an ongoing CPS case, scheduled to go to bench trial on Oct. 10.

Perez may be in the company of an adult female (possibly family). If you have information about his whereabouts call 325-657-4315. To remain anonymous, call 1-855-TIPS-247.

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The kid is gone for nearly two weeks and is hiding out somewhere screwing around on Facebook? Maybe the city should recover the expenses we shelled out 3 months ago hiring search parties and dredging riverbeds after big brother's drug induced swim, and THEN go find this idiot. There are countless abducted children who the state could be allocating it's resources towards rather than these two losers. I'd be curious to know what the parents are so busy doing these past 3 months while the city and community have been babysitting their brats?
maybe you should recover some respect!! do you know this kids or this family? no you don't and your negativity is not needed, I bet your kids do the same dame thing and you have no idea!! or do you even have kids?? if so for you to sit here and bad mouth children your A sorry piece of crap regardless a child is a child maybe there is a reason for their actions!! so keep your bull shit comments to your self
I've had a 14-year old..and once, I was a 14-year old. He's troubled (for an important reason) and is reaching out for help. I don't know anything about this family, his friends, his life, his dreams, et al., but he is desperately trying to seek answers to something. His brother likely was trying the same thing - albeit through other avenues. @Amber - Instead of arguing against the community at large, and letting natural comments get you, take the hidden meanings and try to apply them to this situation. I'd be willing to bet that Lares could actually be a huge asset to to solving the mystery. On the surface of media, Lares has every right to say what he said. You're right. We don't know all the facts. Tell us more.... I'm just acting as a facilitator so don't hate the messenger.
Amber you're correct, (thankfully) I don't know this bunch. I DO know that 3 months ago, the authorities and city expended man power, resources and tax dollars to look for some idiot who knowingly ingested a harmful substance and drowned himself. In this case his brother takes off and is Facebooking from an undisclosed location. This type of behavior is a result of poor parenting and when the parents drop the ball, unfortunately the community is forced to pick it up. Of course this is almost always at the cost and detriment of everyone BUT those who should be bearing the burden -- the PARENTS. The fact that you readily defend people like this in profanity laced tirades, speaks volumes of your character. I don't expect you to comprehend or particularly appreciate concepts such as "personal responsibility" and "good judgement", as these traits usually require an inkling of self respect and are not conducive to lowbrow criminal lifestyles.
I don't know that I would label it as bad parenting. I feel misguided parenting may be more fitting in many cases. There are parents that believe they are doing a good job, they buy their kids expensive clothes, iPhones, and all the latest fads. But they neglect to spend quality time with them or live by example for them. Their core values are never addressed or polished and they don't learn the value of hard work because everything is given to them. Without core values, a work ethic, and a clear understanding between right and wrong, a kid can't put up a fight against society's corruption, he just becomes part of it.
If this is an ON-GOING CPS case (as stated in the article), we should actually NOT blame the kids. Obviously there is a problem within the family or CPS wouldn't be involved. I am a former foster parent of kids in the system and those are some MESSED UP KIDS! They have lost their self-worth and are floundering to find where they belong. And being 14 is not as easy as you think. Times are different from when WE were growing up. The only thing that is the same is at 14, you are ruled by hormones and emotions. I agree that some parents are too "busy" to spend quality time with their children and the children suffer for it. They may have the most expensive gadgets and clothes, but they do not have the love, discipline and survival skills needed to become responsible members of society. I am a pre school teacher and I see it EVERY day. I teach 4 yr olds and there are some that are in my care from 6:30am-6:30pm, M-F. The parents are with them on weekends and at night while they are sleeping. I will ask when they come to class on Monday mornings, "What did you do this weekend?" and some of them will answer with things like, "Me and nanny went to the park" or "Daddy took me to the store, do you like my new shoes?" They can only feel "special" by what they wear or have.
U have no idea what this family has gone through. I work at a school who deals with children like this. And yes some Come from broken homes,family violence. You have no clue about this family and their situation. I know this family and for u to sit there and say he ingested that stuff and drowned and that we wasted money trying to find his body is just sick. The toxicology report DID NOT find any of that in his system. So before u open ur big mouth and talk and disrespect someone's family... get the facts straight.
Stephanie I thought the boy who died had synthetic marijuana in his system? Are you saying there were no drugs in his system at the time of his demise?
Slate, Thu, 07/31/2014 - 17:01
Probably because the toxicology are set up to find preset chemicals and not the chemicals the designer drugs give off.
jdgt, Thu, 07/31/2014 - 17:09
It doesn't matter if there were drugs in his system or not. The kid was too young to be hanging out downtown, by the river, that late at night. If this boy's family was competent and responsible, he would have been at home where he belonged. Now he's dead, thanks to the negligence of the individuals who CHOSE to bring him into this world. You'd think that whoever was responsible for him would have straightened up and flown right - to prevent losing track of his younger brother. Now where are we? Oh yeah... looking for his little brother.
For your information he was not hanging out there at night... he was there in the day when he fell in. His incompetent friends r the one who saw him fall in and do nothing to help him. So like I told the other person talking Sh** don't open your mouth unless u know the whole story
Too young, too old, too stupid, too disadvantaged, too impressionable....mommy didn't hug me, daddy didn't spend enough time with me -- and so the natural thing to do is turn to drugs and criminal activity. Right? Why not? The U.S. has the highest incarceration rate in the world loaded with people who are full of excuses. They all know plenty of enablers who had pockets full of second chances to give them. Criminality and drug abuse is not a condition of being young. Plenty of us have managed to steer clear of self destructive behaviors and toxic friendships. It's not because we had money or privilege or had the fear of "God" beaten into us -- it was because we knew right from wrong and had the drive to advance, rather than lower ourselves. In addition, Daniel's friends admitted that synthetic marijuana was being used on the night of his disappearance. The cannabinoids in synthetic marijuana are virtually undetectable. A urine or blood sample would have to be taken to screen for the metabolites specific to the substance ("K2"). A submerged corpse lying in a river for 4 days would complicate testing that much more. The fruits of our actions are indicative of who we are. I judge and I'm prepared to be judged. My judgement is not the rule of law nor is it at the mercy of other's approval and appropriation. If this same judgement has done nothing more than extricate me from the company of useless individuals and the hearts that bleed for them, I'd say it's done just fine by me.
jdgt, Thu, 07/31/2014 - 20:59
Can San Angelo Live add a like option to comments?? Cause Lares has my vote (just about every time.)
A like AND dislike option would be excellent, unless San angelo live is scared to INVEST a little more money and take a leap forward:-)
I have to say i keep my mouth shut alot and have been reading yalls comments wow Lares you said it... Def hit the like if they had one!

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