VIDEO: Uniformed Man Arrested For DWI After Crash


Four vehicles have collided at Knickerbocker and Johnson St. A Ford F-350, a Chevrolet Silverado1500, a Pontiac Vibe and a white Chevrolet Tahoe are all involved in the crash. 

Traffic on Knickerbocker is down to one lane at Johnson St. and is backed up to Jackson St. at the moment. The crash appears to have been caused by a vehicle rear-ending another vehicle, causing a chain reaction. This has not yet been confirmed. 

At least two people have been sent to the hospital for injuries sustained in the crash. One man has been arrested under suspicion of driving while intoxicated after police administered a field sobriety test. The man was in uniform, video below:[[{"fid":"6846","view_mode":"default","fields":{"format":"default"},"type":"media","attributes":{}}]]

Update 3:58 p.m.

An officer on scene explained that the Ford F-350, the Tahoe and the Vibe were all stopped at the red light at Knickerbocker and Johnson when the Silverado hit the Tahoe, knocking it into the Vibe and the F-350. 

"The driver of the Silverado is under arrest for DWI. We've got detectives en route because we've got injuries and Crime Scene (investigators) is here," the officer said. 

The crash is still under investigation and the man's blood-alcohol content and occupation have not yet been released. 

All of the vehicles had only one occupant, except for the Vibe, which had a driver and a passenger. Both of those in the in the Vibe suffered superficial injuries, and were transported to the hospital. The driver of the F-350 suffered a laceration and was also taken to the hospital.

Update July 23, 2014 at 1:20 p.m.

The San Angelo Police Department released the following information concerning this crash:

On Tuesday, July 22, 2014, at approximately 3:05 p.m., San Angelo Police responded to the 2200 block of Knickerbocker Rd for the report of a vehicle crash involving four vehicles.

Upon arrival, police learned that a black 2002 Chevrolet Silverado had collided with a white 2008 Chevrolet Tahoe causing the Tahoe to hit a red 2005 Pontiac Vibe and a white Ford F-350 pickup truck.   The driver of the black Chevrolet Silverado was identified as 50=year-old Jerry Carson of Coleman.   During the field investigation, Carson was suspected of being intoxicated and was arrested for Driving While Intoxicated after standard sobriety tests were administered.   Carson was arrested without incident and transported to the Tom Green County Jail.

The 43-year-old driver of the Tahoe, and the 22-year-old driver and 23-year-old passenger of the Vibe were all taken to Shannon Hospital by ambulance for non-incapacitating injuries.

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Jennifer Rios @Jennifer_Rios Avoid this area. Looks likes Goodfellow guy was involved. He's talking to police.
Arbigi, Tue, 07/22/2014 - 17:53
@Jennifer - Not necessarily a "Goodfellow guy". He's not wearing a current U.S. military uniform.
Arbigi, Tue, 07/22/2014 - 17:56
Oh, and I took the long way home to avoid that intersection - heading for the loop rather than taking surface streets - just in time to drive through the ~5:30pm accident on Old Christoval. Sigh... you can't win.
jdgt, Tue, 07/22/2014 - 17:58
WTF is up with the military in this town? Every single military person that passes me on the loop in the mornings is speeding... now we've got drunk military individuals hanging out in the middle of the afternoon behind the wheel? Does their service to our country entitle them to these rights? I don't think so... Man up, wingmen... Look around, supervisors! COUNSEL your troops about image... how their negative actions off base make the rest of the military look bad.
Arbigi, Tue, 07/22/2014 - 18:20
@J D - If it is a military person, they're not only drunk, they're out of uniform.
This man may be a veteran, but he's absolutely not active duty of any branch. The BDU is no longer an authorized uniform and hasn't been for a while. Dog tags hanging out, no rank, no cover, and the lack of bloused trousers at the top of the boot all point to somebody that wants recognition for past service or an attention seeker with no real military experience who just spent 30 dollars at the local mil surplus to feel special. Thanks again, San Angelo Live, for the sensationalist journalism. Titles like "Uniformed Man" clearly driven to incite reaction considering this is a military town. High five to all the comments pointing out the facts, and a big thumbs down to people complaining about military, since he's CLEARLY NOT.
Maybe he's just a "hunter". You know, the big badasses who gear up as if they're going to war so they can sit in an insulated deer blind and take out an animal with all the skill of a shopper pulling meat from a store freezer.
Bring back water boarding... I bet after a couple minutes of that, he'll squeal out more than his name, rank and serial number as to why he's in a wanna-be army man suit.......
You what they say about assumptions... and a lot were made with this story. As Rosanne, Jim Just Jim (and others) have pointed out, the Woodland Camiflage Battle-Dress Uniform is no longer an authorized military uniform (for several years now) - and not all individuals wearing camiflage are military members (I wear my old BDUs for paintball). A little research will go a long way. BTW - Lares: it's called "Deer Fishing." What else do you call it when you take the animal that takes the bait? ;-) But - there are those who have venison... and those of us who do not. Most of the 'havers' will even share when asked, so I'm not throwing rocks in the least.
San Angelo LIVE is to blame for the comments calling the DWI driver a current military and Goodfellow personnel? The only thing San Angelo LIVE reported was that the man was "in uniform". It was all the commenting that bashed the military and Goodfellow personnel. And yes, they should be called out for that assumption. But the publisher of SA Live is former military. So I doubt he's going to be bashing military. All the "oilfield trash" and other accusations attributed to SA Live all start with the reader comments. Some of y'all seriously need to work on your reading comprehension, assuming you even read the piece at all. Many of the comments I read, both here and on facebook, it is obvious the person did not even bother to read the original story.
live, Wed, 07/23/2014 - 19:00

He was in a uniform. We didn't say he was in the military or attached to Goodfellow. He notes on his FB page that he is military, but who the heck knows. On the other hand...

Clearly not San Angelo Live. BDUs are literally now just authorized civilian attire. It's not a uniform. It's just clothes. More accurate headline would have been "Guy in Clothes Arrested," except that the intention here is clearly to connect him to an organization he's not affiliated with at all. Don't plead ignorance and blame other people for writing comments based on false information, just correct the record and move on.
jdgt, Thu, 07/24/2014 - 08:22
Readers shouldn't have to do the investigative work to make their own determination that a man wearing a uniform and identified as a "uniformed man" isn't affiliated with a branch of service. Especially in a town with a military base.
Nothing wrong in how Live titled the article. The fact is a man in uniform was arrested for DWI. There was no mention of a connection to GAFB, the TX National Guard, or any other specific military organization.

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