Ballinger Teen Killed in Crash on US 67


Taylor Dyess Bowman, a 17-year-old, junior at Ballinger High School for the 2014-15 school year, was killed Wednesday in a single vehicle crash. She was driving a 2002 Chevrolet Tahoe six miles north of Ballinger on U.S. 67 when she swerved to miss a dog crossing the road, a Texas DPS statement said.

According to the DPS report:

She swerved right and ran off the east side of the highway. She then swerved back to the left, crossing both lanes of traffic. The Tahoe then ran off the west side of the road and continued through a barrow ditch where the SUV entered a side skid. The skid caused the Tahoe to rollover and ejected Bowman from the vehicle.

The crash happened at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday. Bowman was not wearing a seatbelt, DPS reported.

The vehicle came to a rest facing east, resting on the passenger side.

KSAN-TV has a tribute to Bowman where Bowman’s coach, Michael Barnes, is interviewed. Barnes coaches girls’ basketball at Ballinger High School. He said that Bowman expressed an interest in becoming a coach.

Bowman’s junior high teacher wrote a moving tribute at “I write this as a former teacher of Taylor and someone who has watched this young lady grow up from a giggly 11 year old sixth grader to a beautiful, successful young lady,” Cinnamon Carter wrote.

Funeral arrangements are pending at Lange Funeral Home in Ballinger.

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jdgt, Fri, 07/18/2014 - 08:23
Parents, It is SO very important to educate your children, from the very beginning, about the importance of seatbelts. My children, since birth, have been strapped into a car seat. We buckle up EVERY. SINGLE. TIME that we enter a vehicle. We don't leave the driveway until everyone is strapped in, secure. This is a very tragic example of what happens when you don't do it. I don't know the condition of the vehicle involved in this accident, or if that seatbelt would have prevented her death.... but it would have prevented her from being ejected - which would have increased her chances of life... So sad.

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