Fully Vaccinated San Angelo Woman Dies of Covid


SAN ANGELO – A fully vaccinated San Angelo woman has died of Covid-19 according to health officials Sunday.  

It is unknown at this time if the victim had any underlying conditions. 

Here is the report from the City: 

COVID-19 death information

New deaths today: 1

- Female, 60s, Tom Green County: fully vaccinated

Total deaths in Tom Green County: 464 (298 from Tom Green County and 166 from other counties)

10.31.21 Covid Chart (Courtesy COSA)

10.31.21 Covid Chart (Courtesy COSA)

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Hey dipshit, I hate to break through the delusional fog you live in but this lady was FULLY vaccinated and contracted, and died from COVID. Anybody she was around, covid could have been transmitted to them, even to another FULLY vaccinated person by this lady. In reality, what really happened, was that the vaccine did exactly what it is designed to do, and that is to cause the death to those who take it. If you have taken yours, good luck pal, and if you haven't, please get yours ASAP so you can believe that it works while inside your body, it's doing its thing......

I normally try to avoid directly calling someone here an idiot, but only an idiot would say something like this:

"In reality, what really happened, was that the vaccine did exactly what it is designed to do, and that is to cause the death to those who take it."

I really don't think you are stupid enough to believe this and that you said it just to jack people up here in a pathetic attempt at self-entertainment.  If you are that stupid I am truly sad for you and anybody to whom you may have passed genetic material.

I don't think there is anything about Covid that is even remotely funny or warrants joking about.

While that response was quite stupid, I also don't think we can blame this on Republicans. While I don't believe this vaccine was made to kill people, I do believe that it wasn't tested enough before it hit the market. I think we've become human guinea pigs. Every few days a new report comes out from somewhere in the world showing that the vaccine seems to be not as effective as we hoped it would. More and more vaccinated people are beginning to catch COVID and some have even died. I personally think we need to go back and take a good hard look at the vaccine and make some changes. The vaccine seemed to work against the first variant, but seems to have much less of an effect on the Delta. That's not the fault of Republicans, the unvaxinated, etc. No vaccine is perfect, but my personal belief is that we need something better.

MAGA, Mon, 11/01/2021 - 06:14

"That's unfortunate, especially since she most likely caught it from someone unvaccinated (republicans)."

Saying things like this makes you look even more stupid than you already look and actually are. Anyone even a fully vaccinated person can transmit covid to anyone. Blaming people you don't know is just proving how shallow you really are. On top of being completely disrespectful to the dead persons family. What a piece of cow dung you've become

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